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Sima 1

Jessica Sima
English 112
Mrs. Barnes
16 April 2015

You can take action by just being aware of this issue and make others aware. There are
many organizations for anti-apartheid to raise awareness. One of them is on a website called
Tavaana and it speaks a lot about apartheid and why it is bad. It informs you on specific issues
that go on in South Africa regarding apartheid. The website also give books, news and other
multimedia such as the book The Rise, Fall, and Legacy of Apartheid by Eric Louw, and other
websites ("South Africa Profile). By supporting anti-apartheid, you are supporting equal rights in
South Africa for all races.
I decided to do this project because it sounded interesting to me. It sounded interesting
because I know a similar problem happened in the United States in the 1900s and I have learned
a lot about American History when people were segregated and people were discriminated just
because of their race. I wanted to learn about it and find out more about apartheid in South
Africa. So my main reason for choosing this topic was to learn more and be able to see
similarities and differences in apartheid in South Africa and segregation in the United States.

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