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LeDacia Renfro-Jones

English 12 P.5
September 30th,2014

Sentient in Dreams
Sentient in dreams,
Am I. Programmed to function
Like humans to fool.
Take the place of another
Fool even the mother.
What an evil man you are
I am false. A lie
Born of the fear of the fall.
Public eyes that scream,
If it happened to you, then
What am I ? A lie
Am I. Sentient in dreams
That you may create
I am not my own, am I ?
I was given the
Chance to wish it away, and,
I did. Shes there now.
She takes my place. Im glad.

You made me to take

Something. But you lost the key.
Now I am my own.
But so, now I am nothing.

You are a smart man.
I know because I am here.
You have forgotten,
However, in your vast reign,
Machines cant mourn human hearts.

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