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CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS CLASSROOM OBSERVATION SUMMARY Grade Level or Teacher: Joe Burke Major Responsibility: 8-9 ELA Date of Observation: 9/30/14 E Date of Conference: _ 10/6/14 Name of Evaluator, _John Bennink SUMMARY OF VISIT: The summary may include comments and/or suggestions (0 the teacher on organization for Instruction, management of instructional time, success in achieving classroom objectives, clanty of presentation, development of content and critical thinking skis, ‘management of student behavior, indvidualization of instruction, subject matter competence and rapport with students 10:52 Mr. Bennink enters room. Mr. Burke stands at the front of the horseshoe shaped classroom, Learning objectives are clearly written on the board. Mr. Burke addresses the class and goes over the day's learning goals. He has the clear attention of the students. The students are taking a quiz today and Mr. Burke explains how the quiz will go. Visible thinking (Venn Diagram) is evidenced in the back of the room. 10:59 Mr, Burke transitions and allows the students 5 min, to study. A student asks why they must take quizzes. Mr. Burke answers question quickly and moves on. 14:00 Independent study: some students study while other students are talking about different things. 11:03 Mr. Burke describes behavior during the quiz. He gives advice on taking quizzesitests. “It is to your advantage to answer each question.” 11:05 Passes out quizzes and explains the back page of the quiz, which might have been confusing to some students so he wanted to clarify. 14:20 Student finishes quiz out in the hallway after a bathroom break. Mr, Burke uses direct questioning to discuss the quiz. Mr. Burke gives most of the answers to the students, 11:22 Stops instruction to address behavior. Mr. Burke makes light of joke and moves on to finish the lesson. 11:26 Transitions to discussion/questions about what is different between internal vs. external story. 11:29 Students are dismissed for lunch. Mr. Bennink exits classroom. Signature of Evaluator: pu KS Signature of Teacher: «y (Signature indicates receipt of the d&cument.) J 709 ~ Classroom Observation Summary roresre014

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