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Financial Aid Reflection

1. What financial assistance does the FAFSA offer? Based on your application, do you
qualify for assistance through the FAFSA? If so, how much do you expect to receive and
how will you use this money? FAFSA offers financial aid to those who cannot afford
college on their own. Yes I qualify for FAFSA.I will be receiving $5,775.00 from Pell
grant. I plan on using this for college.
2. Are you eligible to receive the Cal Grant? If so, how much do you expect to receive and
how will you use this money? No.
3. Are you eligible to receive a Board of Governors Fee Waiver? If so, do you plan on
applying for the BOG Fee Waiver? No.
4. Describe your findings from the private scholarship search. Do you plan on applying to
any of the scholarships available? If so, to which are you planning to apply and how much
do you expect to receive if you are accepted?
I would apply to the young musicians foundation scholarship because I love music
and I could receive $250-750. I would also like to apply to the coca cola with this
scholarship I could possibly receive 20,000.

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