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Chronology of Kristallnacht

8 November 1938 a Jewish man shot dead a Nazi official in Paris

Josef Goebbels organised anti Jewish demonstrations in Germany which
involved attacks on Jewish property
As well as property damage 100 Jews were killed and 20,000 were sent to
concentration camps
Many Germans were disgusted at Kristallnacht so Hitler and Goebbels said it
was the work of random thugs
Hitler also blamed the Jews saying that they had provoked the attacks. He used
it as an excuse to step up his anti Jewish campaign.
He fined the Jews 1 billion Reichmarks for the damage, said Jews could no
longer own businesses and said Jews could no longer attend school
On 30 April 1939 Jews were evicted from their homes and placed in ghettos
In 1939 the Nazis tried to force as many Jews as they could from Germany but
many countries would not take them. All Jews also had to hand over all metals
and jewellery
So many windows were smashed on the 9-10 November that it became known
as Kristallnacht: The Night of the Broken Glass (117 synanogues were burnt
and looted, 7500 Jewish- owned shops were looted, and 91 jews were killed)

Kristallnacht was a turning point from Nazi wanting to remove Jews from
Germany (get them to leave the country) to wanting to remove them totally
(The Final Solution)

Hermann goering said it started because of the Jewish Boy (Hirsch Grynspan)
who shot the diplomat In France, so it was the Jewish fault so they had to pay

up for the damage. The Jewish people who had suffered the damage had to pay
up for it .

This picture shows German people

walking past a Jewish store that
had been broken in and destroyed.
This was common during
Kristallnacht and as many as 7500
Jewish- owned shops were
destroyed. I think it shows the
devastation of Kristallnacht very
well as you can see how the
windows were shattered which is
the main reason why it is called
Kristallnacht, for glass had been

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