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Garver 1 Daniel Garver UWRT 1103 Professor. Raymond February 4, 2015 A Different Literacy Narrative My upbringing wasn’t much different from the average person when it came to learning to read and write. | first learned to read by reading with my mother at night before bed. After | had learned enough that | could read on my own, | would always be looking for something to read such as a cereal box at breakfast. Many mornings | would come down the stairs excited (fee each that my mom had gotten a new assortment of cereal, | could enjoy readigg before hitting the school bus. The colors and pictures on the cereal boxes is what kept me interested in reading and | always wanted to figure out all that the box could describe to me with the few words that | knew at the time. This i how | began to read and my style of reading to obtain knowledge is what stemmed from this type of early reading. In grade school, | really tended not to read unless | was forced to in a classroom exercise. | remember distinctly that when we all had silent reading, | would be drawing in most of the books. | was just never interested in reading a story just for the sake of reading. Then | started racing motorcycles, and this is where | finally saw the true purpose of reading for me. When racing, one always wants to have an edge and be able to go out and perform better than anyone else and this drive to win was also drove me to read. | began by reading magazines that had technical data and information about modifications that people had performed on their bikes to give them that edge and once |

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