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Implant Instrument Limitations and Challenges

Description: Limitations and Challenges- Inadequate root debridement, 65 % of the times in PD

>=5 mm, Furcations, Root anatomy, CEJ, Removal of cementum in an attempt to eliminate
endotoxin adherent to the root, may result in hypersensitivity. Tissue type, fibrotic, inflammed and
retractable, Existing restorations, overcontoured, overhangs, broad interproximal contacts Skill
level of the therapist. Compliance with oral hygiene and maintenance IMPLANT INSTRUMENTS,
Implant Probes: Calibrations are in 3-mm sections.
IMPLANT INSTRUMENTS. Implacare: Anterior Sickle Scaler H6/7, Posterior Sickle Scaler 204SColumbia curette 4R/4L IMPLANT TIP. Made of PEEK material, a type of composite, Use on
LOW power with plenty of water.
IMPLANT MAINTENANCE- The choice of instrumentation is based on the following: Location of
the deposit, Nature of the debris, soft or hard Anatomic access Restorative design Implant
component.Advantages- To remove extrinsic staining that is otherwise not removed during
toothbrushing/scaling, To prepare the teeth for caries-preventative agents (e.g. pit-and-fissure
sealants, Fluoride gels and varnishes), To contribute to patient motivation and as a teaching tool
after disclosing solution is applied. Disadvantages- Polishing for 30 sec with a pumice paste may
remove up to 4 m of enamel,

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