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Project Day 9- Quiet Month

Things have quieted down. The boss of the husband or younger

brother/sister guaranteed in writing they will be able to keep their job at
least for another year. The pregnancy is going well and the new pet has
finally adjusted to its new living environment. However, there are still bills to
pay. As a couple, siblings, or partners, you must decide to sit down and
rethink your budget. You must keep the rent, utilities, groceries,
transportation and loan payment on your budget. Talk it out and crunch
some number to see what works best, but be realistic as well. The table of
new cost is below, as usual figure out what categories they belong in. Decide
as a household what you want to do. Fill out your budget, make a withdrawal,
and update the checking account summary sheet.
Ne w Cost
Married Couples
Sister and Brothers
Vitamins $30
Medication $45
Medication $45
Food goes up from the Food $50
Food $50
precious month by
Vet $20
Vet $20
another $30
Other $20
Other $20
Baby tub $25
Buy baby clothing
If you have a car then
you must by a car
seat $50
Budget: (if you cancel out a category you must write 0 next to the
dollar sign)
Salary 1 (+) $______________
Rent (-) $ _________________
Utilities (-) $ _______________
Groceries (-) $ ______________
Transportation (-) $___________
Clothing (-) $ _______________
Loan Payment (-) $______________
Friday Nights (-) $_______________
Miscellaneous (-) $ _______________
Chance card (+-) $_____________
Total Remaining $ _____________
Things to Ponder
1. Did you remove anything from your budget? Why? Why Not?

2. Did you take a chance card? Why? Why Not?

3. Do things seem manageable right now? Why? Why Not?
4. How did you feel to know that one source of income would be
guaranteed for a year? Why did you feel that way?

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