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The outcome of Professionalism is defined to

be met by demonstrating commitment to the
nursing profession and lifelong learning. The
document I chose to share to show that I meet this
outcome is from my last semester senior year class
NUR4144: Professional Role Development: Servant
Leadership. In this class we were asked to
complete a Leadership Project: Discuss with a
nursing units quality improvement (QI)
representative, nurse manager, or staff nurse what
quality improvement projects are being performed
on his/her specific unit. Select one QI project to
complete this assignment. As a nurse manager
utilizing the four domains of leadership (heart,
head, hands, and habits) as discussed in Lead like
Jesus textbook and the five practices of exemplary
leadership (model the way, inspire a shared vision,
challenge the process, enable others to act, and
encourage the heart) as discussed in Student
Leadership Practices Workbook, develop a paper
addressing how you would implement the quality
improvement project. Be sure to include how this
project will affect professional nursing practice and
improve the outcomes of the population served on
that nursing unit. Be sure to include 5-6 scholarly
resources that support your perspective. APA
format is required.
I chose this assignment because it shows I am
currently not only preparing myself to have the
critical thinking skills to become a great nurse
generalist but am preparing myself to think at the
nurse manager level that I one day plan to pursue.

Along with completing this assignment, I have

attended career fairs to learn more about different
educational facilities that offer nurse practitioner
programs for my future educational advancement.
I also have volunteered this semester to go learn
about the dentistry field in pediatrics so I can best
educate future clients on the most recommended
dental hygiene/health practices. In my view, the
nurses role in patient education is vital for optimal
patient outcome. Once becoming a nurse
generalist, I plan to continue my education in order
to keep current on evidence based practice, be
able to educate my clients on recent
issues/findings, and grow in my role as a nurse.

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