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BASIC ENGLISH UNIT 2 Practice with Pronouns To be used with Basic English Grammar and Composition: Level E, edited by Bearl Brooks and Marie-Jose Shaw; ESP Publishing, Inc., Largo, FL. 34643 \Writen By Chevy Kneisey, Tile Vit Curiculum, Chetan Schoo! District, .0. Box 269, Chelan, WA. 98816 (508) 682-9515. Some ilustrtioons from Ballard and Tighe Co., 1976; Scott Foresman and Company"! Like Teaching Cards", Glenview, IL Graphics and layout by Marc Ostie-Olson, Lake Chelan AmeriCorps. Course Title: Basic English Credit possible: 1.0 Unit Title: Unit 2: Practice with Pronouns 8 Student Name: am 2 Beginning Date: } Estimated Date of Completion: Hh f Supervising Teacher: A Activity Chart ercentage All about Pronouns Matching Exercise Replacing Nouns Practice with I, We, My, Our Practice with She, He, They, Their Pronouns in Pictures #1 Pronouns in Pictures #2 Pronouns in Pictures #3 Playing with Pronouns. Using Pronouns Correctly Composition Extra Space Vocabulary Master List: Pronouns Practice with Newcomer Pronouns Dramatic Presentation & Exercises Instructor’s signature: Date: Student’s signature: Date: Date Completed: ____————s Credit: Grade: 4 ALL ABOUT PRONOUNS A. Pronouns are words that replace nouns. Pronouns name people, places and a a are expamples of uaa Directions: Circle each pronoun in the sentence and then write the noun below it. EXAMPLE: The man is pruning the tree. Gis pruning@e) tree 4. The children are eating apples. They are eating them. 2. The woman is picking apples. She is picking them. 3. Mr. Martinez is spraying the orchard. | am spraying it. 4. The farmers are holding up the limbs of the tree to keep apples from dropping. We are holding them up to keep them from dropping. 5. Students are studying about pronouns. You are studying about them. 2 8. Pronouns show who owns what! (see picture) Directions: Circle the pronouns and write the nouns they replace below each pronoun. EXAMPLE: The) are eating thei) appies. The Children The Children’s 1. He is using his pruning shears. 2. They are eating their apples. 3. She is picking with her hands and filling her bag. 4, Lam spraying my orchard. 5. He is holding up its limb. We don’t want our apples to drop on the ground! C. Pronouns are receivers. They act as objects of actions. Directions: Circle the pronoun and make up a name or noun to write below each pronoun. EXAMPLE: Givin an apple. (see page | for details) Rudcifo 1. Help her pick the apples. 2. Spray it with poison. 3. Drop them into the box. 4, Tell us what to do for homework. 5. Call me at home on the telephone. 6. | want you to eat this delicious apple! MATCHING EXERCISE Directions: Draw lines between the pronouns on the left and the pronouns of ownership and object on the right. Then write one sentence for each combi- nation of two pronouns. EXAMPLE() gave he(m) new notebook. (see page 2 for details) | its you her he your she him they his we our it my them us me their REPLACING NOUNS Directions: Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the nouns with pronouns. Be careful to replace ail of the nouns. 1. The students are reading. They_are_ reading . 2. The girl is beautiful. The boy is handsome. The baboons are ugly. My mother's child is writing. The women walk to church. My family likes to rent movies. The boss gave my family some chocolate. My friends and | went hiking 10. The teacher gave the man a letter. 11. The boy gave the girl a kiss. 12. The parents gave the children money. 13. The woman put a flower on the grave. 14. My father's child is tired. 15. The man gave the woman a ring to show the love of the two people. PRACTICE WITH I, WE, MY AND OUR Directions: Write a question and an answer for each picture. EXAMPLE: Q. Who is picking up my box? A. 1am picking up my box. 8 PRACTICE WITH HE, SHE, THEY AND THEIR Directions: Write a question and an answer using pronouns for each picture. y Nea S EXAMPLE: Q. Who is playing their chess game? A. They are playing their chess game. i PRONOUNS IN PICTURES #1 Directions: Look at Picture Sheet #1 and complete the following sentences using the pronouns below. 1. is sitting on 2. is waving hand at 3. is pointing to with finger. 4 is jumping over__with body. 5. is crawling through with bod 6, is standing between and pointing fingers. 7. is running around very fast. 8. is looking over and opening mouth. 9. is lifting high over head. 10. is standing next to and bending elbows. 1 are running around and wagging tails 12. is sliding down and holding in the air. 13. hands are on, hips and legs are in water. 14. box is over head and she is holding up. 15, is standing between and pointing fingers, 16. is walking over _and touching the side with hand. 17 is standing between and holding for 18. is jumping through and is helping 19. is crawling under with body. 20. is holding and pointing finger at at is swinging on swing and kicking feet. il? 2 ] Z PRONOUNS IN PICTURES #2 Directions: Look at Picture Sheet #2 and complete the following sentences using the pronouns below. ourselves ai am drinking milk to make feel good. 3. are eatil 4. am writing letter to : 5. am putting peanut butter on bread for to eat. 6. are buying candy for to eat. ie am findi fe to 8. al ing at a puppy for to have for 9. are running a race in order for to win. 10.____am catching a butterfly to keep for __. 11. broke a window and parents will be mad at 12. are riding bicycle to the store all by 7 13. am not answering telephone. 14. am showing students how to add numbers. 15. are singing songs to he teacher wil thlp ____sing______songs better in class. 16. 7 ; 17. am taking pictures of children for album. 18.. are holding presents friends gave 19. am holding baby brother and he likes 20. am waving to friends and they are waving back at PRONOUNS IN PICTURES #3 Directions: Look at Picture Sheet #3 and complete the following sentences using all of the pronouns below. | us You Them Herself me our Your Their Itself my ourselves He — Her Themselves we myself She Him Yourself It His Yourselves They _ Himself 1._The teacher gave music to hear in tape recorder, 2,__is fixing _skateboard for ___ 3., are playing game all by 4. is washing hair with shampoo 5. is climbing __ladder to pick apples for __. 6. is giving a flower to i 7._The people said to : are a good cook!” 8._The teacher told ‘ are doing a good job on ainting! Li a 9. are reading in books to 10. dropped ice cream and it made. mad. 11. The baby looked at and she smiled back at “ 12. love cartoons and. were watching on TV... 13. kicked so hard she hurt foot. 44, z : : : 15. are carrying books. is walking behind : 16. : : : 17.____is looking at the stars. ____sees _through the _ telescope. __left eye is seeing the stars by ___. 18. re pickin Itis i ind want to give @ present, 16 19. is pulling wagon bi 7 teddy bear is riding in wagon. sits up by 20. is dusting the star. is dirty and wants to be clean and shiny. Directions: Make several decks of pronoun cards. Include two cards with each pronoun in all of the decks. Use these same decks for both of the games. CONCENTRATION . Choose 3 people to play with you. soos 2. Lay all the Pronoun cards randomly face down on the table. Keep all of the cards in rows. _ eee eued 3. Turn over two cards. Allow each player to see the cards. If the two cards are the same, pick up the pair. If the two cards are different turn them back over. Say the pronouns aloud. 4, Any player who finds two of the same card receives another turn. The player with the most pairs wins. GOFISH Directions: Talk in English 1. Choose 1 or 3 more players a. b. c 2. Give each player 5 cards. Place the remaining cards in a pile at the center of the table. 3. At your turn ask, “Do you have ” 4. Draw a card from the pile when the player answers, “Go fish.” 5. The player with the most pairs of pronouns wins. USING PRONOUNS CORRECTLY Directions: Carefully read each story below. Rewrite each story changing as many nouns to pronouns as is possible. Each noun should say its name once before being replaced by a pronoun. LY 7 vi Father is giving a 2 to re Mother opens the present and is suprised. Mother gives Father a hug and a kiss. Father receives the hug and the kiss with joy but is embarrassed in front of my brother and me. My brother and | giggle. 1. The students are fighting. The principal stops the students and takes the boys to the principal's office. The principal wants to know if it was Juan or Jose that started the fight. The principal wants to know what place and what time the fight took place. The principal finally decides to send Juan to Juan’s house and Jose to Jose’s house. The students are suspended for the fight. Chelan High School's volleyball team is winning. The players (including me) have a victory. The players are ahead of the other team by 25 points. The coach of the other team is angry at the coach of Chelan. Mr. Smith shouts at Ms. Jones. Finally, the referee asks both coaches to sit down. The referee suspended the coaches from the game. Elena is going to a dance. Elena is excited because shse is going with Eduardo. The only problem is that Elena’s parents are also going to the dance. Elena’s parents do not want Eduardo and Elena to touch cheeks when dancing. Eduardo and Elena want to touch cheeks at the dance, so. they make a plan. The plan is to avoid the parents at the dance by dancing in the dark corner. In the dark corner they can touch cheeks. My name is Pancho. Pancho is driving Pancho’s car to Wenatchee. The car runs out of gas. The time is two o'clock. Pancho is supposed to be at the doctor's at the two o'clock time. Pancho walks to the gas station and buys gas. Pancho leaves the gas station with the gas in a can. Pancho puts the gas into Pancho’s car and walks back to the gas station. Pancho calls the doctor's office. The doctor tells Pancho not to come at the three o'clock time because the time is too late. Pancho had a bad day. 20 COMPOSITION Directions: Write your own paragraph about this picture. Use as many pro-- nouns as possible. Double check that the pronoun clearly refers back to a noun 21 EXTRA SPACE USE THIS SPACE TO COMPLETE STORIES OR WRITE NOTES FROM THE UNIT. 22 Vocabulary Master List: Pronouns Newcomer ESL: Units |-7 he her fa Pronouns me simplify che sentences. a They really do! in yourself a Practice with Newcomer Pronouns Directions: Read over the Newcomer pronouns on the previous page to review. Use each pronoun in a sentence of your own. Circle each pro- noun you use. Example: In our family, we all respect one another. 1. 2. 13. 14 16. 16. Che Summer Reunion A Dramatic Presentation for Basic English, Unit 2. The scene takes place in a park on a lovely summer day. There is a picnic table with a picnic lunch spread out. Some of the actors are carrying sports equipment. : P: Hey, gang, I'm here now. The party can begin! D: Did you bring your bathing suit and whistle? You may have to save us all from drowning in the lake, hot-shot lifeguard! A few people chuckle. “: Don’t jump him/her for being a lifeguard. That's a cool Job! How'd you get it, P? P: Well, for starters, | learned to swim when | was a kid. Then | was bright enough in high school to study Health and get C.P.R. and first aid training. Of course, an “A” in the course was an added bonus. But, and get this, the crowning glory that really cinched the job for me was that | was bilingual! When kids are doing something dangerous in water, they need to hear a loud command in their first language and, as some of you know, | can be loud! Laughter. L: Are you telling us that when you told them you were from Mexico and your parents only speak Spanish, they thought that was great??? O: Get with the program, L. It’s hip to be bilingual! Bilingual is beautiful, and be- ing bicultural is even better. L: Oh, right! Like none of you has ever had any problems here because you came from another country. | must be the only one who's experienced prejudice! ™M: Here’s some tortillas and salsa picante for you “bicultural” folks. Isn’t that just a big word for “chicano”? Everyone grabs and eats chips. 2 O: No. Bicultural means people who have lived in two countries long enough to become a part of each culture. Like Naomi is bicultural because she lived in Japan when she was little, but went to high school here. Her cousin, however, knows nothing about Japan —she’s only American. She's not bicultural. Chicanos are Mexican-American. P: Pass the chips you hogs. Does anyone else have a job where they use their bilingual skills? D: To tell the truth, I'd never have gotten my promotion in the orchard if | weren't bilingual. | understand the boss's English when he gives instructions, and then | translate those instructions into Spanish for my crew. P: There you go! School pays off. | bet you're glad now that | kept you awake in the apple management class! Laughter. P gets up and stretches. L: Come on, D. Lets see if the new foreman here can play frisbee. Maybe he’s too soft for us laborers. PL, and D play pretend frisbee on stage. M: Us nine-to-fivers will put lunch together, OK? M & O pretend to open jars, stir things, and arrange plates. ©: What do you do at the medical clinic, M? M: It’s a godsend of a job for me. | am learning so much, and | want to go into a medical field in college. Now | book patients, file charts, and, of course, translate. O: Do you want to be a doctor or a nurse? M: Neither; I'd rather be a technician. | can get into a two-year training program to be a medical technician and earn excellent money. What about you? O: I got on at the preschool for the summer, and | like it because | want to be a teacher. It really helps to be bilingual when some little kid wets his pants or gets in a fight on the playground. They laugh. L: Hey, over there, isn’t it time to say “Come and get it!”?_ I'm famished. D: Ready or not, you shall be caught. We're heading for the food! The scene ends as everyone gathers around the picnic table. a Practice with Idioms and Slang Directions (parts A & B): Match the expressions below with their mean- ings. Write the letter of the definition to the left of the slang term. A 1. hot shot a. Intelligent 2. starters b. Group of people all together 3. bright c. Weak; not athletic 4, added bonus d. Big eaters, or people who eat a lot 5. crowning glory e. Lucky; a wonderful surprise 6. soft f. A beginning; first 7. godsend g. Someone or something popular ~ 8. hip h. Children; young people 9. nine-to-fivers i. For example 40. gang j. Extra benefit 11. Chicano k. Someone everyone thinks is very 12. hogs special 13. like |. Best part; the most wonderful 14. kids m. Mexican-American n. People who work regular hours during the day B. 1. That cinched the job a. Don't get angry at him 2. Oh, right! b. That's a good idea, or correct 3. There you go! c. I don't agree. That is wrong. 4. Don't jump him... d. I'm very hungry. 5. Come and get it e. The food is prepared and ready. 6. School pays off f. Iwas hired by. 7. Ready or not, you shall be caught ~—_g. This was the final reason why | was 8. We're heading for... hired. 9. I'm famished h. We are moving toward... 10. | got on. i, We are coming now, so be ready. J School helps you in life. a7 ite 15 sentences of your own from A or B. Use slang terms. 5 9. 2. 10. 3. 41. 4 12. 5. 13. 6. 14 7 15. 8. D Make a list of all of the pronouns in the play. Also list the nouns they replace. Pronoun/Noun Pronoun/Noun

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