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Natalia Hernandez

1) Target Audience: 1st / 2nd Year UNF students

2) The New Kids
3) In 2014, the First Time In College Students made up 13% of the student population. Their
average age is 18. Only .4% of them are over 25. Due to the new UNF rules, 91% of them live
in campus housing. They have all graduated from high school. Most of them are not married
and have part time jobs. They have above average G.P.As with 47% of them having 3.0 or
higher. (2014 Common Data Set)
4) The college freshman is in a brand new place looking to get involved and be a part of
campus. They are looking to club fairs, flyers, word of mouth, to find out what is going on around
campus. They are tech savvy, well-versed in social media, and have many different avenues to
keep them aware of the world around them.
5) Many students use social media, flyers, club fairs, word of mouth and public information to
find out whats going on around campus. There is Spinnaker Radio and Television, Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, and the Emergency Alert System.

2014 Common Data Set. (2014, October 24). Retrieved February 3, 2015, from

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