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Estimate the rise time

Source: MIT. Course 6.375. Lecture L06. 2006

Estimate the rise time

1. Width of transistor is found by multiplying the

scaling factor (16/8/2/1) with the minimum
width of transistor which is 0.5 m.

2. Multiply Cg,N/Cg,P/Cd,N/Cd,P with the width of

the transistor to get the drain/gate
capaciatances for P and N transistors.
3. Wider transistor more capacitance
Divide Reff,N/Reff,P with the width of
the transistor to get the Resistance
for the N and P transistors.
Wider Transistor Less resistance.

The sheet resistance(0.07) is for unit square.

Since the wire width is 0,25m. The
resistance for 1 m X 0.25 um wire is
The factor 2.2 comes from
0.07/0.25. This factor is multiplied by the
90% swing
loge(9) Lecture
Source: MIT. Course
length 250 m

The wire capacitance is made up of two parts: Bottom

capacitance found using 250 X 0.25 (area) X CA,M2.
Side capacitance is found by multiplying length 250 XCL,M32

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