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Name : Mustafa Kemal

Class : PBI-B (third semester)

No student : 1211204075

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Honorable, the jury of this competition
Respectable the master of Ceremony
and My loving Audience
The first of all Thanks to Allah S.W.T who has been giving us blessing and mercies so we can be
here together in healthy condition. The second, Thanks for the opportunity given to me to convey
a message from the events of the greatness of our prophet "Muhammad."

Allahuakbar. it all sounds from all over the region of Palestine. Not many words they can
say other than gratitude to Allah swt. As we know, UN General Assembly in New York, the
United States was held on Thursday, November 29, 2012 gave recognition to Palestine as a
state.We have to know the tragedy of the Palestinians by the Israel invasion in 1967. At that
time, Israel fully supported the United States and Britain. Chaos occurs in almost every corner of
this holy land. Zionist Israel with brutality attacking border areas of Israel-Palestine and then one
by one conquered. Palestinians who received support from Arab countries can not do much
because at that time they were not recognized as a sovereign state.
Ladies and gentleman
Well, what we should now as a indonesian people especially as a student of State Islamic
University. Although we have known Palestine has admitted as a state Our help still needed like
money and medicine. Why? Because Already there are more than 100 victims of the Israel
attacks. Innocent children die with gaping wounds on his body. We have to remember humanity
is sense that does not insulate a state borders. You can still hear that voice through at the smoky
haze. The all things that we need to keep as the country with the largest Muslim population in the

world, Indonesia should defend Palestine, because brotherhood as a moslem regardless of the
country's territory. is there a reason for not supporting the Palestinians? Where is our humanity?
Where's our sense of nationalism? Where our ukhuwah Islamiyah.
Ladies and gentleman
Our support for Palestine is a victory for truth,freedom, justice, law and international legitimacy,
and it provides tremendous support for the peace option and enhances the chances of success of
the negotiations. Your support for the establishment of the State of Palestine and for its
admission to the United Nations as a full member is the greatest contribution to peacemaking in
the Holy Land.
A few from me, sorry for any mistakes, thank you for your attention ...

**The end**

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