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In FEU talk, OPM icon urges critics to help improve controversial HB 4218

Singer-songwriter and OPM icon Jim Paredes believes House Bill 4218 (or the OPM
Development Act of 2014) can truly protect Filipino artists and enhance the
promotion of Filipino music.
Paredes said as much during a recent symposium on The State of OPM presented
by McJim Classic Leather at the Far Eastern University, where he was one of the
speakers along with rapper Gloc 9 and record label manager Jinno Mina.
Jim acknowledged that not all radio stations comply with Executive Order 255 issued
by the late president Cory Aquino, which requires them to play a minimum of four
OPM songs per hour. He said the passage of HB 4218 authored by Ifugao Rep. Teddy
Baguilat will fortify its practice and strict implementation.

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