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-Design Specification:




Target Market

Wish List

The purpose of my video will be to raise awareness of

As stated in my research, Poverty is a rising issue and
many are not very educated on the topic.
Due to this and the design problem my video`s purpose will
be to educate people on Poverty.
When I say to educate people on Poverty, what I mean is
that I want people to walk away with information such as:
-What percentage of people are living in poverty in Dubai
-How much is their salary
-What living conditions are they living in
-How much is their food portions
-What is the rate of poverty in Dubai now
-Is poverty still a rising issue
-The future of poverty and what can be done about it
This is an important quote that has a significant meaning
and must be included in the video, Be the change you
want to see in the world.
There is no function for the video.
The text will be a dark color on a light background, vice
There should be a good usage of visual aspects, such as
charts, pictures, and graphs.
There should not be too much text, meaning to a of
the screen should be covered in text.
No subtitles.
Quotes with a different themed background.
Bold dark colored text color.
Will have no narration.
For ages between 19 and 60.

There will be no safety features for my design as it is a
Will have facts and statistics.
It will not be animation.
It will have pictures.
It will have quotes.

There will be a light background

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