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A. Data indicating the importance of communication:

1. Politics: politicians and voters.
2. Economy:
Relationships among employees.
Advertising campaigns.
Smiling schools.
3. The military:
Soldiers should always follow orders.
The digital battlefield.
The psychological warfare.
4. Religion:
Attending the church periodically.
The church and the use of communication science and technology.
5. Science:
Communication and the evolution of scientific knowledge.
Communication science provides the other domains with the necessary
The study of communication, the shaping of the human species and the
development of the individual:
- E.g.: the feral child; solitary confinement; computer addicts; the
road rage incidents; the laughter schools.
B. Definition of communication: a process involving a SENDER, a MESSAGE, and
a RECEIVER; the Sender encodes the Message; the Receiver decodes the
Message, stores it and later retrieves it. The process involves:
- time and space;
- biological, psychological, social, metaphysical and cosmic aspects;
- use of semiotic units such as signs, symbols and signals.
C. Classification of communicational situations according to various criteria:
1. Who communicates: human communication, animal c., plant c., and extraterrestrial c.
2. Who communicates with whom: humans with animals, humans with plants,
3. Means used: natural means (e.g.: voice), artificial means (e.g.: telephone,
Internet); verbal and nonverbal means (e.g.: gesture).
4. Reception of messages (classification determined by the senses used): auditory
communication, visual c., olfactory c., taste c., tactile c., extrasensory c.
D. Hot issues:
1. Manipulation; media and photo manipulation; brainwashing; advertising;
propaganda; charisma.
2. Obtaining information without the persons consent: interception of private
communications; torture.
3. Communication issues in the Health Care System: poor communication or
lack of communication.

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