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You cant score with out a goal and those goals make me

a better dancer. Hello my name is Davina I am ten years

old and live in Dubai. The school I go to is Gems World
Academy. Im in fifth grade well as Im saying that its
hard to believe I am going to middle school next year. My
teachers are Ms Ryan and Ms Annie theyre the best Ms
Ryan is crazy and Ms Annie is awesome. I live with my
brother, my mum Mylene and my dad Jan-willem. I
actually also have a sister Lara but shes at collage.

I was born in Al noor hospital, Abu Dhabi on the 22nd of

May 2004 my mum and dad must have been freaked out
when I was born an I mean freaked. If you may ask I
turned purple when I was born because I didnt have
enough oxygen then they put this thing on my mouth to
give me oxygen. Well thats that so lets get onwith the
story. I am originally from Holland but Ive lived all over.
Ive lived in Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Holland, Azerbaijan,
Malaysia, Australia and now Dubai. Now that my traveling
part is over lets get on with the funny moments.

The funniest moment was proberly when I stole

chocolates its a long story but I can talk really fast. So
my brother had chocolates and he put them on the table
then I grabed them and hid under the table. After I
started eating them my mum was wondering where I was
so she looked and looked then she found me covered in

chocolates the funny part is that I was only 7 months old.

When I was 8 years old I earned first place

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