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Environment Week

April 19th 23rd

GWAs Eco Schools Committee has a mission to inspire change,
encourage action and contribute towards more sustainable living at
GEMS World Academy-Dubai. We are hosting Environment Week to
generate awareness about everyday initiatives we can take to reduce
our carbon footprint, learn from various guest speakers and eco-friendly
product vendors, use recyclables for upcycling craft projects, save
energy, and generally inspire a culture of green living. We have a host
of fun, purposeful activities planned for primary classes throughout the
week, culminating in a Green Dress-Up Day for all students.

Green Dress-Up Day

Grade Pre-K to Grade 5, April 23rd
Calling all Eco-Warriors! Lets stand together and show our passion for
saving our planet.Come to school dressed in green or earthy colours to
show your support.

Blue Dragons Dream Green

Do save, dont waste!

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