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Six Dimensions of Health Worksheet

SCI/162 Version 6

Associate Level Material

Six Dimensions of Health Worksheet
Part 1
For each of the following six dimensions of health, list at least one characteristic, activity, belief, or
attitude that reflects that dimension in your life. Provide a brief explanation with each example.
Refer to Ch. 1 in the text for explanations of these dimensions.
Physical health:
I try to make time for exercise each day. I also try to eat food that promotes good physical health.
Several years ago I was about 40 pounds overweight. I was able to put together a plan that
made time for exercise daily and helped me make better decisions on the things that I was going
to eat. With continued encouragement from family and friends I have been able to keep the
weight off. By continuing to exercise and eat right I can reach my physical heath potential.
Social health:
Having good relationships with friends, family, and coworkers is very important to me. Developing
good connections with people in all facets of my life has given me opportunities to use my talents
and skills to help others in times of need. This has also given me people of various back grounds
and skill sets to reach out to when I am in need of assistance.
Intellectual health:
Clearly thinking, reasoning objectively, and critical analyzing are a part of my daily job activities.
Throughout the day I must make decisions that not only affect me, but affect many people around
me. These decisions affect the people that work for me, their families and the customers that they
come in contact with on a daily basis. I must be sure that I am making the right decision.
Environmental health:
It has become common practice in my home in my home to use products that have been made
from recycled items and we ourselves recycle. Anything that we can do to help preserve the
Earths natural resources improves the environmental heath of ourselves and others around us.
Emotional health:
Self-confidence is a characteristic that reflects this dimension in my life. I meet with company
executives and vendors regularly to discuss business deals. I have to be confident going into
these meetings in order for my presence at the meetings to be beneficial to the company that I
work for.
Spiritual health:
I have a belief in a particular religious doctrine. I have used my belief to help me navigate through
rough periods that I have experienced in my life. It has brought me peace and tranquility in the
eye of the storm. It also brings relaxation when I feel my level of stress level beginning to rise.
Part 2

Six Dimensions of Health Worksheet

SCI/162 Version 6

In approximately 125 to 200 words, describe health and wellness in your own words using the
ideas and concepts for each of the six dimensions of health.
Health and wellness is the choice an individual makes to assume responsibility for their quality of
life. Health and wellness does not just refer to a person not having a disease as being healthy. A
conscious decision must be made to shape a healthy lifestyle which can in turn prevent things
that are harmful from happening to people.
Achieving overall health and wellness will help people reach the objectives of living a longer life
and having a good quality of life. By achieving overall health and wellness individuals will be able
to perform normal daily activities that are necessary for existence in todays society and have
satisfying relationships with others. They will be able to adapt well in social settings and think
clearly when making decisions that are a part of lifes daily challenges. The feeling of selfconfidence and the ability to express emotions at the appropriate times will be consistent.
Beliefs and attitudes are big contributing factors in achieving overall health and wellness. Control
must be taken of the things that can be controlled. This will lead to a life that has a sense of

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