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Experiment: Glucose

Ana Maria Pelcastre


Date: February 8, 2013


Nutrition Assessment
a. Diagnosis: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
b. Age, gender: 24, Male
c. Dietary Intake: PO intake
d. Symptoms: Excessive urination, thirst & hunger
e. Anthropometric Measurements

Ht./wt.: 510 (177.7cm) /165# (74.8 Kg).

BMI: 23.7

IBW: 166 # (75.2 kg.). %IBW: 99.3%

d. Energy, protein and fluid needs

o Total energy: 2360.878-3632.12 kcals/d
o Protein: 59.84-74.8 g/d
o Fluid: 1816 ml/d

Include basis for Estimations (Based on an ABW of 74.8 kg).

o For energy, used Harris-Benedict formula to determine
REE then multiplied by Activity factor (1.3) & injury Factor
o For protein used stress factor for non-stressed state 0.8
1.0 g PRO/Kg
o For fluid needs, used 1 ml/kcal
e. Labs/tests (can indicate high or low).
Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c, %) = 9.4%, high (5.9%>).


Nutrition Diagnosis: PES Format

Limited adherence to nutrition-related recommendations R/T frequent
urination, excessive thirst and hunger AEB high Glycosylated Hemoglobin


Nutrition Intervention
a. Meals & Snacks
o Dietary changes: To substitute saturated fat foods and simple
sugars for polyunsaturated fats and complex carbohydrates.
o Examples: bread, cereals and pastas made with whole grains,
oats & granola snacks. Fruits such as apricots, natural orange
juice, plums, pears & prunes. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli &
cauliflower), spinach, eggplant, baked potatoes, carrots, celery,
cucumbers. Legumes such as kidney beans, lentils & garbanzo
beans. For polyunsaturated fats include: plant and seed
vegetable oils, avocados, salmon, sardine, nuts etc.
b. Nutrition related Medication Management
o REC Nutrition Education classes & support group for Type 1
diabetes patients.

c. Goals:
o To stabilize glucose levels to within normal range for Type 1
Diabetes condition in 3 days.
o To develop a meal plan & meet Dietary intake of estimated
energy needs for Type 1 Diabetes condition

Monitoring and Evaluation

o Follow up phone call
o Ask the patient to attend Nutrition classes & make a meal plan;
follow it in 3 days and bring it to the clinic to reassess labs.
o Re-assess Glycosylated hemoglobin & serum glucose in 3 days
to determine if it is within normal range.
o Consult MD if patient experiences secondary complications or
blood glucose is not within range after following a meal plan.

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