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Experiment: Hemoglobin/Hematocrit Assessment Lab

Date: 2/15/13
Recorder: Lourdes Bautista
Nutritional Assessment
Diagnosis: Possibly Iron deficiency anemia
Age, gender: 22, female
Dietary intake: Intake by mouth
Symptoms: Fatigue due to possible deficiency, stopped taking
supplements prescribed by MD, and is breast-feeding.
Anthropometric measurements
o Ht/wt: 54/162.5cm and 108#/49.1kg (underweight)
o BMI: 18.6 (normal)
o IBW: 120#, 54.5 kg; %IBW: 90% (malnutrition)
Energy, Protein, and Fluid needs
o Total Energy: 1605-2105 kcal/d
o Protein: 51-61g/d
o Fluids: 1605-205 ml/d
o Hgb: 9.5, which is bellow normal since the normal levels
are 11-16 g/dl in females.
o Hct: 30% is bellow the normal level of 37-47%
Nutritional Diagnosis-PES format
Inadequate mineral and vitamin intake, as well as, protein R/T
ending prescribed supplements and possibly being vegetarian
due to a lack of eating red meat AEB <11 g/dl Hgb and < 37%
Hct levels.
Nutrition Intervention
1. Meals and Snacks
a. Eat food high in iron
i. Dark, leafy greens (spinach, collards)
ii. Dried fruit (prunes, raisins)
iii. Iron-enriched cereals and grains (check labels)
2. Medication Management
a. Consume Vitamin C with foods containing iron to help your
body absorb iron better.
3. Goals
a. Resume vitamin/mineral supplementation
b. Meet the 9mg/d or iron intake as established by the DRI for
women who are lactating.

c. Increase E intake
Monitoring and Evaluation
Follow up phone call within 1 week of visit
Follow up appointment in 4 weeks
Create a 3-day food record and bring it to the next appointment
to assess Hgb and Hct levels
Consult MD if proper levels of Hgb and Hct have not been

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