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Ivan Hernandez
Professor Ingram
UWRIT 1202
6 April 2015
What are you in for when joining a Greek organization?
Entering college the transition is huge. New friends to make, new
memories to make and many new things to come your way. Perhaps its
way too much to handle at once, but those decisions are crucial to your
overall experience in college. To some college is the best time of
everyones life. Its even considered as the golden years of everyones
life. One of the relative terms often mention in college is Frat parties.
Perhaps the most generic assumption. Today, in all colleges around the
United States the word Greek draws many opinions. What are the
students in when joining such an organization? What are the
disadvantages and advantages of such commitment? Which side weights
out from the other two choices?
Greek life is considered to have be around since 1776 in United
States of America. The name of the first Greek organization established
in United States was Beta Kappa Society at The College of William & Mary
in Williams, Virginia (William & Mary College). It still exists today and they

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are known to stick to traditions and accustoms. They are considered to

be a mutual aid society, providing academic and social activities.
Throughout the years of this specific organization it has showed that it
has maintained an environment that has been accepted in multiple
college campuses. It proves that it has positively affected individuals in
colleges all around the world and continue to be backed up from colleges.
Professor Deanna Garrett from the University of Vermont went out to
investigate the negative aspects of Greek Life. From the study she
performed she reported numerous problems with Greek Life. One of the
problems with Greek life is the need to haze individuals to welcome new
members. This problem has been outlawed but has occurred numerous
times (Garrett). This event is seriously penalized in the US and still goes
on. Rape also is listed in the problems with Greek life. Alcohol abuse is
also one of the most occurring things. In the world of Greek life its hard
to bypass the numerous counts of incidents when in a frat or sorority.
A prime example of bad reputation occurred at the University of
North Carolina at Charlotte. A newspaper article headlined the incident
as Suspension of a UNCC fraternity over alleged hazing . Reports
stated that an 18-year-old UNC Charlotte student who was a pledge with
the fraternity was hospitalized on the first week of September 2013
(Bell). The UNCC student was taken to a hospital in Montgomery County
(Bell). The student was forced to drink alcohol during the campout,
according to the Observers news partner, WCNC-TV. The student was

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taken to the hospital Sept. 7 by fraternity members after the teenager,

who is from Waxhaw, failed to wake up, according to WCNC and the
sheriffs office. Doctors determined the students blood alcohol level was
0.42, or more than five times the legal limit, according to the sheriffs
office report (Bell). The student quickly recovered and went back to
school. UNC Charlotte officials initially said the Fraternity was in interim
suspension. Dean of Students Office stayed put to all the investigations
done by the Montgomery County Officials (Bell). As the investigation was
complete the Dean Officials took actions and the fraternity was forced
out of the University. Such actions are rarely dismissed with no
consequences. The no tolerance actions are the same throughout all of
the universities. Sometimes the public opinion takes the stance that
Greek organizations are protected and never get caught. From this case
we can conclude that all organizations are put to justice and face all
What is the opinion of society?
In a random pick I interviewed a current UNCC Freshmen. Aaron
Bower the interviewed student agreed to be interviewed and name to be
released. He said he looked into joining to a fraternity before coming to
Questions asked are the following:
What do you think about joining a Greek organization?

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What are things that youve heard that caught your

Whats the general things you can say about Greek life?
On the first question He Said I think joining such an organization is big step
and has a lot of responsibility with it (Brower). On the second question, He quickly
jumped and said HAZING (Brower). He said Im aware that its definite illegal but if
you want to experience being a member of a fraternity you might have to go
through some punishment. On the third question, he answered Community
service and parties. He also said it would be nice to meet other people. It would be
a great way to meet others. (Brower) The very last question he pointed out There
is a limited amount of people who are capable of withstanding the pressures and
conflicted schedules (Brower).
In his point of view disadvantages is not overweighed by the advantages.
Aaron was in neutral position. In his judgement the both ends of the spectrum were
interesting. The phrase that I would like to draw attention is to when he stated that
Greek life is only for a selective amount for people. This shows conscious among
the public that Greek life is only for some. Studies do prove that social traits are
sometimes absent for an individual to effectively be a part of socially active clubs
(Brower). Aaron also talked about the bad perceptions of Greek life. One thing I
would like to highlight that Aaron said is that he believes that those who want to be
in an organization like such must understand the consequences.

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Questions he answered:
What are your perceptions about Greek life?
What has surprised you about your fraternity?
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
What disadvantages?
A member of a fraternity at UNCC Agreed to answer the questions I prompted
to ask. Among the agreement he wanted to keep his identity private. He
commented that his perceptions of Greek life are positive. He said not all
speculations are correct (Annoymous). He said through the initiation process he
was able to learn a lot about the organization. He said What surprised me the most
is the culture an Organization can bring to the table (Annoymous). When asked
about the benefits, he said that connections with other people is the biggest benefit.
Of course the benefits outweigh the disadvantages (Annoymous). I quickly asked
what the disadvantages were. He said meeting deadlines within an organization is
complicated. When asked about dues he said I dont think its expensive, how
many years have individuals played in some type of club sport or hobby?, club
sports tend to be 750-900 per season plus traveling expenses, dues are about that
range, What would look better in a resume? Being in Greek organization or playing
in a club sport? (Annoymous).

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Overall the individual came forward with evidence that Greek organizations are
demanding. Deadlines seem to be always a hassle and a strong counterpoint was
responded when asked about dues. I think that both interviews offered information
that is valid to this case. Most people do tend to have their own theories while the
ones within a Greek organization can declare the opposite.
Any Examples of Successful people?
I have read and heard many views of scholars and researchers. But I would
like to highlight some important figures in society that were tremendously influence
by their Greek life background. According to the book Fraternity there has been
five presidents that joined a frat while attending college (Greene 25). It shows and
make it evident that good people also come out even if in a Greek organization.
Among those presidents was Ronald Reagan who was a great president. Ronald
Reagan definitely takes stand by his fraternity back ground. One of the declarations
he made public was, Where Fraternities are not allowed, Communism flourishes
(Greene 48). He portrays the freedom of our Citizens and which allows for any
individual to do what it feels necessary. While also the almost impeached Richard
Nixon was a member of a frat. Reading about important figures such as Presidents
that were part of Greek Life. Portraits that good people also can come out to society
and be good for society. Figures like this shows the spectrum of how big someone
could get from having an experience of such organization.
What benefits can you get from being a part of Greek life after college?
According to the Center for Advanced Social Research at the University of Missouri,

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-Men and women who have had a fraternal

experience are far more likely to volunteer
and participate in community activities.
-Sorority and fraternity graduate members
are significantly more active in religious
and civic organizations.
-Alumni affiliated with Greek-letter
organizations rank high in "social capital," a
concept that applies to those who invest
their time and energy to improve the quality
of life in their communities (Center for
Advanced Social Research).

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Perhaps most college students do not see whats in for them after college but its
important to know what skills will make life easier. Being part of a Greek organization
can help with building a solid resume, improve communications skills, and show you
Numbers prove facts?
Greek Life Basics @ ECU
In spring 2013 there were 1,771 undergraduates in a
fraternity or
sorority at ECU
The first national Greek organizations were founded at
ECU in
There are 39 fraternities and sororities under the Office
of Greek
Life at ECU
$122,000 raised for local and national philanthropies
last year
One year retention rates for ECU Greeks is a 94%
compared to
non-Greek students at 80.7%
ECU Greeks graduate on time with 35.3% graduating in
four years
compared to non-Greek students at 31.4% (Uni.)
In North Carolina the University of East Carolina has the reputation of being one of the
schools with the most Greek parties. Perhaps opinion can be skewed by society. Most
people thing that being a part of a demanding organization can drop grades in school.
The report above reports a few facts that prove the skewed opinion.

Final Conclusion

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At the end of the day what is it that makes Greek life Bad or Good? Perhaps the
negative sides are always reluctant to be altered by various modes of communication. I
would like to also address the studies I pointed out in my essay. I think the perception of
everyone is worth a lot but I would like for every one of you who want to point out their
opinion to back it up with facts and reasons. I think if an individual has the right amount
of information, your accumulative experiences and learnings will tell you if greek life is
good or bad. In my point of view, I feel like the negative aspects are tremendously huge
but the positive things are also very large and outweigh the negative aspects. I feel like
the benefits from being in a Greek organization are good for the college life and post
college. Multiple cases have proven the great experiences gain in an organization
where people are capable of making connections and be able to interact with various
amount of people. Many important figures have had Greek experience and done great
in the real world. I hope to have addressed the positive and negative aspects and the
studies around Greek organizations that can be beneficial to all audiences.

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Works Cited
Annoymous. Greek Life Ivan Hernandez. 19 March 2015.
Bell, Adam. "Faternity for Alleged Hazing." Charlotte Observer (2013).
Brower, Aaron. Greek Life Ivan Hernandez. 19 March 2015.
Center for Advanced Social Research. Research On Greek Life. Research. Columbia:
University Of Missouri, 2009.
Garrett, Deanna. "The Value of the Greek System: Should Fraternities and Sororities
Have a Place on Campus?" 1999.
Greene, Bob. Fraternity: A journey in Search of Five Presidents. New York City: Three
Rivers Press, 2005.
Uni., East Carolina. Greek Life Basics. 30 July 2013. 19 March 2015.
William & Mary College. Beta Kappa. Williams, 18 September 2014.

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