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Afsan 1

Afsan Bhuiyan
Mrs. Latham
Sp15 ENGL-2010-047
Research plan/proposal
A research plan or proposal outlines your research project, establishes its importance, and
identifies the questions that you will answer over the course of the semester. It should include at
least two secondary sources. You should also include a timeline for completing your research.
The basic format of a research plan is:
Introduction: Identify your topic and its importance. Establish potential relevance for this
research outside of our coursework.
My topic will be about torture methods in interrogation. I want to know what torture
methods is considered to be humane. Many people may say that torture methods must be done to
terrorists to obtain information from them. Although, many of the torture methods used against
terrorists lead the terrorists to have severe physical and mental illnesses. I want to argue how
some torture methods used against terrorists is inhumane. The torture methods used in
Guantanamo bay prison still exists today, so I think this is a good time to talk about the situation
there. A lot people want the prison to be closed, so my research topic fits the timing. I want to
know how the torture method is done and judge for myself if this torture methods are humane or
not. I have a personal interest in learning about how the military treats its captives in the U.S. I
keep hearing how badly the prisoners are treated in the news, so I want to know more about the

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situation. Even though most of the detainees are Muslims, and I am Muslim, but I wont be
affected by this research. I will try to distance my values when doing my research, and do critical
reading. I will be using Guantanamo bays and Abu Ghraibs torture tactics as examples in most
of my research.
Research Questions: List two to three preliminary research questions that your work will
focus on.
Is the torture methods used in Guantanamo bay and in Abu Ghraib considered to be humane?
Should the U.S government change their policy on Guantanamo bay by preventing severe torture
methods and better the conditions for the detainees?
Secondary Sources: Two to three sources on your topic. Include an MLA format citation
followed by a brief summary/description of the source.
Works Cited
Tarabay, Jamie, J.T. "Abu Ghraib Closes, Bitter Memories of Torture Remain | Al Jazeera
America." Abu Ghraib Closes. Al Jazeera, 16 Apr. 2014. Web. 27 Jan. 2015.
This article gives the analysis about how the scandal in Abu Ghraib prison affected the whole
world and the future of Iraq. The jail was controlled by the Iraqi army after the fall of Saddam
Hussein. The jail is used for criminals too who have nothing to do with terrorism. The torture
methods used in cell block 1A and 1B in Abu Ghraib prison was so brutal that George Bush
wanted the jail to be destroyed.

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Ferguson, Ben, B.F. "When Yasiin Bey Was Force-Fed." Guantanamo Bay. Theguardian, 9 July
2013. Web. 27 Jan. 2015. <
This article talks about how the rapper Mos Def was being force fed. The article explains how
the force feeding method in Guantanamo bay affects the people around them (the American
people and anyone who hears about them). When people hear about the method of force feeding
then people realize the level of cruelty the method has.
Preliminary Hypothesis: While you may not have a clear thesis or direction yet, you
should include two possible outcomes of your research, or two potential thesis statements.
The U.S government should change their policy on the torture methods they use in Guantanamo
bay to be more humane because severe torture on the detainees would lead to the detainees to
have severe mental and physical illnesses that could negatively affect the people around them.
Terrorists that are captured by the U.S military should be treated fairly without being inhumanly
tortured because severely torturing them would cause detainees to have severe physical and
mental illness which will cause awareness and anger among the terrorists that can lead to chaos.

Prospective Audiences: We have discussed the relationship between audience, purpose,

and ethos, pathos, logos, and Kairos in class. Here you will identify at least three potential

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My first audience will be people who dislike the use of torture methods that
dehumanizes a person or guards in Guantanamo bay who give them(detainees) severe physical
and mental illnesses. My second audience would be people in the U.S military who have an open
mind to learn about the reasons of why some torture methods used in Guantanamo bay prison are
inhumane. My third audience would be Muslims who feel sympathy for the detainees that go
through severe torture in Guantanamo bay prison because most of the detainees are Muslims.

Timeline: This should identify the milestones in your research and show the path you will
take to complete the research before the end of the class.
I will make sure to do good research on my topic before I start on my argument paper. I will take
good notes and highlight anything important, so I can use that information as my evidence in my
essay. I will look at other essays about argument to get an idea how to write my essay. I will have
an outline of my research paper. I will try to be as professional as possible by doing the
requirements of the homework and turning in them in the right time. I will look into books of
Guantanamo bay and documentaries about it; I will read articles about Guantanamo bay too. I
think my audience would like my information to come from documentaries or interviews given
by the detainees or the U.S military. I will try to make sure to use logos, pathos, ethos and Kairos
in my research. There will be both truth and per suaveness for my target audiences. I will not be
a fanatic believer or fanatic skeptic in my writing. I will do the game of believing and doubting
to gain ideas and perspectives. I would have conferences about my paper. I will have a lot of
draft which will be reviewed by my classmates. I will revise my paper a bunch of times then
finally finish off the cover letter and reflection.

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This assignment will be graded on the following:

Completion of minimum requirements outlined above

Style and voice
Standard English usage, grammar, and punctuation
MLA formatting
Development of research questions
Development of clear justification of research that establishes the

importance and timeliness (Kairos) of the topic

Demonstration of personal interest in the topic and identifies relevance of
the topic outside of the course.

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