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Setting: A living room and jail.

Human Flaws: Fear, Deceit, Envy, Hatred
Main Characters:
Marcus- Main character, Father of Jeffrey and Abby
Julia- Mother of Jeffrey and Abby
Jeffrey- Marcus older son
Abby- Marcus younger daughter
Ted- Adulterer (cheater)
Chorus: Marcus children
Main Characters Conflict:
Internal- He gets so angry and flashes back to when he was abused. He wants to fight back
but knows he cannot act upon that fury and lash out.
External- When he gets mad, he feels like he is back when his parents were hitting him and
so he fights back thinking that its his parents but really he is hitting whatever is in front of
him. After his attack, he feels very bad and ashamed.
Rising Action: We find out that Julia has been cheating on Marcus when she brings Ted
home. The kids and Marcus are at home when Ted arrives. Marcus is so mad and cannot
control his feelings. He then begins to yell and lash out.
Climax: Jeffrey steps in and tries to stop his father. Marcus strikes him down and he is
unconcious on the floor. Julia runs away to call the police but Marcus catches her and
throws her into a wall. She limps down onto the floor, also unconscious while Abby cries in
the corner.
Falling Action: Infuriated and scared, Ted steps in to fight Marcus to calm him down. Still in
a rage, Marcus goes at Ted and ends up killing him. Abby is still in the corner sobbing and
Marcus asks her to calm down. When she won't, Marcus gets mad again and lashes out by
slapping her across the face. She hits her head on the corner of the wall and bleeds out
(aka she dies). Marcus goes to jail and has to live with the one thing he vowed not to do,
abuse his children and even killing one of them.

Main Characters:
Marcus- Main character, Father of Jeffrey and Abby
Julia- Mother of Jeffrey and Abby
Jeffrey- Marcus older son
Abby- Marcus younger daughter

Benny- Scriptwriter #1
Abby- Scriptwriter #2

Sierra- Chorus Writer

Everett- Storyboarder

Prologue: Marcus and his father are in an argument that Marcus knows he will not win.
Marcus father strikes him across the face having fall to the ground in tears. His mother
walks in and analysis the situation. Seeing Marcus on the ground and his father standing
above him she questions the situation. His father explains and she bursts out in furry
lashing out at Marcus. Marcus picks himself up to only help his mother strike him back
Parados: Marcus children enter on stage. They explain how all throughout childhood,
Marcus was abused by his parents. Because of this he is haunted by his past with PTSD
and fears his own mistakes.
Scene 1: Marcus is at work. He is nose deep in paperwork. His secretary walks in and asks
if he is finished with the paperwork for the latest project. Marcus feels so stressed that he
lashes out in anger and fear. His secretary exits the office closing the door behind her. He
starts throwing things and walls and eventually flips his desk over.
Chorus 1:. The chorus enters. Jeffrey and Abby talk the topic of his anger and fear. He
does not mean to do this. He is cursed by his parents, living a life of fear and anxiety.
Scene 2: Marcus enters his home. He greets his children with hugs and his wife with a kiss.
His wife asks about work. Marcus very quickly avoids the subject and heads to the fridge.
Julia follows him in confusion and repeats the question, this time more sternly. Marcus turns
to her and says that it is not important. Julia, still following, saying that it is. Marcus
continues to ignore her. Julia starts to raise her voice, followed by Marcus. The two argue
with each other. Jeffrey confronts the two of them pleading for them to stop. Marcus,
enraged, Turns to him and raises his fist in the air. Jeffrey starts to back away. Marcus
sends his fist speeding towards Jeffreys face but before he makes contact, Julia stops him.
Marcus fears his actions and leaves the house in tears.
Chorus 2: Everyone exits the stage except for Jeffrey and Abby. Jeffrey explains how
Marcus has never raised his fist, not even once. Abby reminds everyone of how he said he
never wanted to be like his parents. They both say that Marcus is becoming the one thing
he has feared his whole entire life.

Scene 3: Marcus is at work. Julia and the kids are at home. Julia is getting ready to go out,
the kids ask where. Julia tells them that she is going to visit an old friend of hers. The kids
ask who she is going to meet and if they know the friend. Julia tells them no. The kids now
say that they would like to meet this person. Jeffrey, feeling concerned, asks if it is a man or
a women. Julia pauses. She then tells them that she is meeting with a girl. Jeffrey feels
relieved.Julias phone starts to ring. Jeffrey takes Abby and leaves the room. He overhears
her talking about how she is really excited to meet him and hangs up. Jeffrey feels enraged
with anger. Julia comes downstairs and says goodbye to the two of them. Julia leaves.
Chorus 3: Jeffrey and Abby are on stage. Jeffrey mentions his concern of his mother and
her friends. Abby talks about what might happen when she comes home. What might
happen if Marcus comes home.
Scene 4: Julia walks into the house with a man. His name is Ted. Jeffrey and Abby are in
the other room. Julia thinks that they are asleep so she turns around and starts flirting with
Ted. Jeffrey listens in on the conversation. Eventually he hears Julia ask for a kiss. Jeffrey
storms into the living room where they stand demanding that Ted leaves. When Julia turns
to see Jeffrey, Abby runs into the room concerned about the yelling. Julia yells at Jeffrey to
get Abby and go upstairs. Jeffrey refuses. Ted is in shock at what he is seeing and tries to
question the situation. Ignored by Julia and Jeffrey, Ted looks to Abby who seems
somewhat scared of the situation. He asked if they were Julias kids and she nodded also
adding that Julia was happily married. At that moment Marcus walks in. He is also
confused by the yelling. jeffrey sees his father and tries to explain the situation. Julia is
quick to deny it and tries her best to change the whole story. Ted disagrees with Julia.
Marcus then feels the same fear, anxiety and anger that he gets. He turns to Ted and lashes
out at him because of Julia. He starts beating Ted to the ground when Jeffrey tries to pull
him off of Ted. Marcus turns to his son and strikes him to the floor leaving him unconscious.
Julia stands away from them terrified. She tries to make a run for the door when marcus
grabs her and throws her head first against a wall also leaving her unconscious. Ted,
terrified, tries to stop Marcus. It was no use. Marcus pushed Ted away from him in anger
and started to beat hit him continuously. Marcus eventually beats Ted to death. Marcus sits
there realizing what he has done. He feels regret and more fear. He turns to see Abby in the
corner crying. He tries to calm her down but when he realizes that it is no use, he grows
impatient with her and lashes out throwing her into another wall hitting her head against the
corner and bleeding out.
Chorus 4: Only Jeffrey. He is bloody and bruised. He explains that Abby and Ted are dead.
He also talks about when Julia woke up and called the police and took him (Jeffery) to the
hospital. He explains his hatred and sorrow towards his father and also that he and his
mother are never to see him while he serves life in jail.
Exodus: Marcus is in the middle of a line of prisoners. One prisoner asks what he did to get
in jail. When Marcus tells him, the man is disgusted and punches him in the throat. Knowing
he will not win, Marcus shrinks on the floor and puts his hands into his face. The prisoners
walk past him and offstage, some kicking him or spitting at him. Soon hes alone and begins
to talk to the audience about his struggle with PTSD and his parents. Eventually he says he
is sorry and knows his life will never be the same again.

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