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Shaping the modern world

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Historical period?


Civil Rights Movement USA


United states of America. Concentrated around the Southern States. Location is significant
What is the geographical location? Is
because of the Civil War occurring 1861-65 between the North and South states regarding slavery
the location of the events
and other moral issues.
Who is involved? Personal
background that influenced
individual actions? Contributions and

Who is involved: particular Civil rights activists, pro-segregation political figures, those
in authoritive positions (police, courts) and the community with opposing perspectives
on the issue.

Why has this situation arisen?

America participated in The Slave trade, introduced in 17th century. These slave drivers would take
Africans from their country, take them to America and exploit them in agricultural industry,
commonly including cotton-picking in the USA. These people stayed within the country and many
became house maids and butlers, farm helpers and some came to own their own property. However,
this background inherently established social hierarchy, status and cultural assumptions between
White Americans and Africans.

So what?
What impact have they had on the
modern world?

Americas history has shaped its society regarding education, culture, the arts and sport.
Much racism is still experienced, but there have been many advancements i.e Americas first black
president Barack Obama.

How much information is

Variety of sources available,
different perspectives?

Sources are plentiful in all forms secondary and primary. As this is an ongoing historical issue,
many secondary sources from historians are still being published for use. I have made a source
document with all sources I plan to use in this task. Ranging from photos, speeches, newspaper
articles etc. Many perspectives, whether pro or against or on the fence, can be found in all the
different sources. It is useful for me to

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