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Margin Outline

Topic Sentence (Does Meditation Actually Improve Health?)
a. Potential Physical Benefits
b. Potential Mental Benefits


Meditation and its History

a. Dates from 500 to 3500 BCE
b. Descriptions and pictures found 3000 years ago
c. One of the most adopted concepts throughout different religions


Benefits of Meditation
a. Physical Benefits
b. Mental/Cognitive Benefits
c. Elaboration/Reflection of Deepak Chopras video on Meditations


How to Meditate
a. Meditation 101
b. Important Meditation Tips
c. Meditating and Yoga


Ways that Meditation Changes the Brain

a. 7 Ways Meditation Changes the Brain According to Forbes
i. Reflection
b. Sara Lazar Meditation Reshaping our Brains
i. Reflection
c. Bodhin Kjolhede: Change you Mind, Change you Life

i. Reflection

Mindfulness Meditation
a. Study on Mindfulness Meditation and Breast Cancer Patients
i. Summary of Article
ii. Reflection


a. How Meditation Can Benefits the Everyday American

Margin Outline Reflection

My Margin Outline shows that I need to elaborate on the topics that are already
included in my EIP. I will do so by writing reflections to the videos and articles that
are found on my website as well as finding more in-depth research on benefits of
meditation and not straying away from my initial topic of inquiry.

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