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The advantages of studying abroad

Some people believe that studying abroad has many advantages.
Other people don't.
Personally, I think that studying abroad has the following three advantages. (as
Firstly, studying abroad is an efficient way to learn foreign languages in a sho
rt period.
Prolonged exposure to English in English-speaking countries will greatly increas
e your vocabulary and definitely( surely) improve your listening comprehension a
bilities (skills).
Foreign language proficiency is regarded not only as a marketable skill but also
a powerful asset.
Secondly,studying in foreign countries will greatly(significantly/remarkably) en
cross-cultural awareness. When you go to a foreign country for the first time to
you need to overcome those language barriers and culture shocks.Such challenges
will broaden your cultural horizons.
That experience will heighten(raise/develop) cross-cultural awareness and contri
bute to mutual understanding between (both)different countries.
Thirdly,studying abroad will develop a sense of discipline and independence.
Studying abroad in an unfamiliar place far away from your family and friends, in
ternational students often fall into homesickness. But meeting(overcoming) those
challenges will eventually build character(or personality) and make you psychol
ogically independent.
In conclusion, studying abroad has three advantages: broadening your career oppo
enhancing your cross-cultural horizon, and developing a sense of independence.

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