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Brande: Hi, Doctor

Sasuke: hi, whats your name?

Brande: Ronaldo
Sasuke: Tell me Ronaldo, whats your problem?
Brande: I was playing football and I thing i hurt my knee
Sasuke: let me check, sit down here, please
(((brande se sienta y el saske lo checa)))
Sasuke: do you feel pain here?
Brande: no
Sasuke: and here?
Brande: aaaahhh yes yes yes !!!
Sasuke: ok, this is nothing serious; you just need to wear a Bandage
And its important to rest in home
Brande: but I need to play soccer
Sasuke: Im sorry but you cant play for a while
Brande: but Doctor, my team needs me, if I dont play we will lost the
champions league
Sasuke: Im sorry Ronaldo, but if you play soccer your knee will get worse
Brande: really?
Sasuke: really
Brande: oh no, thats bad, I wish I hadnt drunk tequila, Alex party was too
Sasuke: jejeje lol
Brande: ok, Doctor, I will rest in home and not play soccer for a while
Sasuke: good, Ronaldo, Ill see you next week for check hows your knee
Brande: ok, Doctor, bye
Sasuke: bye

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