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Genetic Engineering (GE) is a highly complicated and advanced

branch of science which involves a wide range of techniques used

in changing the genetic material in the DNA code in a living
organism. 'Genetic Engineering' means the deliberate
modification of the characters of an organism by the
manipulation of its genetic material. Genetic engineering comes
under the broad heading of Biotechnology but it intersects
frequently with many of the life sciences and is strongly linked
with the study of information systems. There is a great scope in
this field as the demand for genetic engineers are growing in
India as well as abroad.

How is genetic engineering done?

Genetic engineering, also called transformation,
works by physically removing a gene from one
organism and inserting it into another, giving it the
ability to express the trait encoded by that gene. It is
like taking a single recipe out of a cookbook and
placing it into another cookbook.

Job Prospects and Career Options

There is an increasing demand for genetic engineers in India as well as
abroad. Genetic engineers are mainly absorbed in medical and
pharmaceutical industries, the agricultural sector, and the research and
development departments of the government and private sectors. They
can also take up teaching as an option. Genetic engineering involves
developing hybrid varieties of plants, making a plant disease resistant
by transferring genes from a plant that already has the characteristic,
introducing Genetically Modified foods by changing the colour, size,
texture of the produce of plants such as fruits and vegetables. GE in
humans can be to correct severe hereditary defects by introducing
normal genes into cells in place of missing or defective ones. A team
headed by Ian Wilmut and his colleagues at the Roslin Institute in
Edinburgh, Scotland made history when they produced a lamp named
Dolly, an exact genetic copy or clone of a sheep. This landmark
discovery of the regeneration of an exact replica of a whole animal by
transferring nuclei from the cells of that animal to unfertilized eggs of
another animal, without the help of a male counterpart, has given
researches a wide area open to be discovered. With this discovery,
genetic engineering has become globally recognized.

For Admissions :
Contact : 9492066112
F.No.103, Prashanti Ram Towers
Near Saradhi Studio Road, Ameerpet,
Hyderabad- 500016 Telangana, India.

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