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Takuya Kobayashi

Professor Ingram
UWRT 1102-053
January 15, 2015
German culture
I came up with German culture when I was asked to research about what I am
interested in. Since I love watching German soccer game, I have a great passion for
German culture and language.
First 30 minutes of pre-search, I looked up on google and searched just
simply German culture, German culture fact. I found many article about them and
I just kept reading them.
A question Is that statement true made me think and search carefully
because I cannot tell a wrong fact of German culture. So I made sure if it was true by
checking it on another article.
The most interesting text that I read through this pre-search was that 7
countries where Americans can study at universities, in English, for free. I already
know that some of German universities are free. I think it is great that anyone can
study at university for free even for student who is financially struggling.
This text is written by Rick Noack on October 29 th, 2014 and published on
the Washington post. I think that the audience for this text is everyone, but especially
for Americans as you can see from the title. Author posted some pictures of German
universities to give audience some images of how German universities look like.

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