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How to Promote/Transport with LCM in 7 steps

By adir
Hi All ,
I this how to- you will learn how to transport /promote your SAP Business Objects elements
(Reports, users, Access Level ,connection, user groups) and so on from 1 SAP BO landscape to
another with the Lifecycle management console .
Before we begin, several of key assumptions
1. you already have defined at least 2 Business Objects landscapes
2. you have user and password for both BO landscapes
3. you have a backup for the BO landscape you are going to as destination/target
Lifecycle management console- is the standard SAP BO tool which threw you transport objects
or in BO terminology promote BO objects (Reports, users, Access Level , connection, user
Source - is your BO Landscape that you want to transport /promote from
Target - is your BO Landscape that you want to import to
Example 1
We have 2 BO landscapes BO Dev & BO Prod .
We have finished develop our BO Dev reports and we want to transport /promote to BO Prod
Example 2
After working with BO Prod we have developed several of reports that hasnt been developed
on BO Dev and we want to move those report so we can test them at BO Dev/QA
Example 3
We want that both BO Prod & BO Dev will be exactly the same
Let us begin

How to Promote/Transport with LCM in 7 steps

By adir

Step 1: log in into your Lifecycle management console, go to startprogramsSAP Business

Objects BI Platform 4 SAP Business Objects BI Platform SAP Business Objects BI Platform
Lifecycle management console and login you Lifecycle management console
In the Lifecycle management console you have New Job- click on New Job

Step 2 : fill in all the details information as follow:

Name: Job Name
Description: job description give real meaning
Save job in : click on the browse folder and it will bring you the default
Source: select your source landscape from the list(you can also add new manually )
Target : choose your target BO landscape
*you will be asked to enter user and password for each BO Landscape
Click on create

How to Promote/Transport with LCM in 7 steps

By adir




Step 3: now you will have a new window showing you all the objects that your source system,
has, select- check the ones you want and click Add
Be aware that after you have clicked the Add button the lines you have choose will be in gray

How to Promote/Transport with LCM in 7 steps

By adir

Step 4: after selecting add, close the window on the close button, then you will have your Job
defined with you folders you choose, you can view, add more objects(folders)
Once you are ok with what you have choose, check the folders and click on promote

Step 5 : after clicking on promote the system confirmation screen will open
You have:
Summary information
Security settings
Test promote- highly recommended to test promote before you do the actual promote it will
tell you if there are problems
Schedule job you can decide if it will run now or schedule for later run

How to Promote/Transport with LCM in 7 steps

By adir

System confirmation screen: you have summary of all objects


Schedule option

How to Promote/Transport with LCM in 7 steps

By adir

Step 6
Give a change management ID number and then click save or promote


After you have choose promote it will take you to the next screen, looks like a monitor job
screen which will tell you on each job the status

How to Promote/Transport with LCM in 7 steps

By adir





Step 7 : by choosing the history you can view your job status on the last right column, where it
says status , you have the following status : scheduled , running ,failed or partial success , the
running process takes 2-3 minutes depends on how many objects you promote



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