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Paper One Reflection

I learned many lessons about writing a paper in paper one. Some of these lessons I
learned through the revision process. For instance, if you are not going to write later on in your
paper about a certain topic or incorporate that topic into your paper, do not even bother
mentioning. All this does is tempt the reader, and by not mentioning it later in the paper makes
the sentence next to useless anyway, much like a very fluffy statement. Other lessons include rereading my paper multiple times to search for grammatical errors and/or forgetting to mention
something. I also learned that it is important to not be too vague with metaphors. For instance, I
put as if dropped on my head in paper one while I should have wrote as if the idea dropped on
my head. This paper also taught me a lot about content and how important it is when trying to
tell a story or convey a point. Overall, paper one was my best paper and also one of the three that
taught me the most about factors like proofreading and the importance of having sound content.
Lastly, it taught me that if your professor is not a professor, do not call him/her a professor.

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