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Paper Two Reflection

Paper two was the assignment that undoubtedly taught me the most out of all three
papers. Paper two was the only paper that for the revision process, I just threw the entire paper
away and started from scratch. Most people would look at my old paper now as a waste of time,
though I believe I needed to screw up paper two in the first place so that I could get it right the
second time around. The number one detail I learned from paper two was not to include fluffy
statements in your paper. I first thought that it was impossible to not have fluffy statements in a
2100 word paper, but when I started from scratch, looked over my syllabus, and asked my
teacher a multitude of questions, I learned how not to include fluffy statements in my paper and
simply replace it with sound content. Other lessons I learned were to not be so repetitive (ties in
with making statements fluffy) and, much like what I learned from paper one, proofread your
paper multiple times to ensure to grammatical errors because fixing a word or two throughout the
paper could potentially be an entire letter grade when you finish.

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