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Paper Three Reflection

Before I got back paper two, I turned in paper three, which would explain how one of the
main lessons I learned from writing paper three is the importance of not including fluffy
statements and repeating yourself multiple times. I did not even realize I was including fluffy
statements until my teacher pointed them out in my paper, I believed that each sentence
contributed to the main idea but as I looked down at the graded paper I could now obviously see
how fluffy it was. Including sentences in paper three like Im not going to spend time writing
an entire paragraph, let alone a paper explaining why the industry does what it does; instead I
will explain it in one sentence if I was not going to mentioned it later in the paper then why
even mention it in the first place? Statements like that I now see are just filler words with no
solid content. Another important lesson I learned was how not to incorporate We and Lets
into certain parts of the paper. For example in paper three I wrote So lets take a look at I
should not involve the reader while explaining what we are about to discover, as if they helped
me write the paper. Other lessons I learned included referring to writers of a source of your paper
with their last name and to cite any information that blatantly states a fact, otherwise it is just

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