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Chr|st|an Lth|cs
CLA8lllCA1lCn Cl 1L8MS
· L1PlCS - from Lhe Ck. word eLhlkos, whlch
means characLer, & eLhos, whlch means
· ºCusLom" means a more or less · ºCusLom" means a more or less
permanenL moral behavlor ln accordance
wlLh Lhe precepLs of naLural moral law
whlch ls unlversally known and common
Lo all men.
· L1PlCS ls a naLural sclence.
Employs the power
· L1PlCS ls a pracLlcal sclence.
Employs the power
Of human reason
· LLhlcs ls Lhe sLudy of Lhe moral behavlor or
conducL of man as vlewed from ulLlmaLe
prlnclples lnsofar as Lhese prlnclples are
known by human reason.
· Also known as moral phllosophy. · Also known as moral phllosophy.
· lL ls a phllosophlcal sclence deallng wlLh Lhe
rlghLness or wrongness of human acLs.
1herefore, a pracLlcal sclence.
· Loglc - guldes man's lnLellecL ln Lhe
acqulslLlon of LruLh.
· LLhlcs - guldes Lhe lnLellecL ln Lhe acqulslLlon · LLhlcs - guldes Lhe lnLellecL ln Lhe acqulslLlon
& appllcaLlon of Lhe moral prlnclples.
· ºlL ls Lhe (pracLlcal) sclence of human acLs wlLh
reference Lo rlghL & wrong."
· MA1L8lAL C8!LC1 Cl L1PlCS
· lC8MAL C8!LC1 Cl L1PlCS: lL ls Lhe sLudy of
Lhe recLlLude of human conducL. Lhe recLlLude of human conducL.
· Puman AcLs (ConsLlLuenLs):
1. know|edge
2. Ireedom
3. Vo|untar|ness
||s|s¸|ss| ¦s|sssss t.sst mss ss s ||.|s¸ |.¸ss|sm. |t||ss
ssss|is. mss ss s ms.s| |s|s¸. sa|jsst ts ms.s| iat|ss ssi
,sssssss. sl ms.s| .|¸|ts.
/st|.s,s|s¸, |s.sst|¸stss t|s s.|¸|s sl t|s |amss |si, ssi
t|s |s|s.|s. sl t|s ,.|m|t|.s mss. |t||ss iss|s w|t| t|s
Lth|cs and Cther Sc|ences Dea||ng w|th Man:
t|s |s|s.|s. sl t|s ,.|m|t|.s mss. |t||ss iss|s w|t| t|s
,.|ss|,|ss sl .|¸|t sssiast ss s,,||si ts mss sl s|| t|mss.
¦ss|s|s¸, isss.||ss t|s ¸sss.s| st.asta.s ssi stt|tais sl
sss|s| ¸.sa,s. t|s lsm||,. ¸s.s.smsst. t|s ws.||s¸
s|sss.|t||ss stai|ss t|s sss|s| ¸.sa,s w|t| .sls.ssss ts t|s
ms.s| sss|s| |s|s.|s..
|s,s|s|s¸, i|ssassss msss |sts||sst ssi w|||. |t||ss
i|.ssts t|s |sts||sst ts |ssw. ssi t|s w||| ts ,.sst|ss t|s ms.s||s.
|s¸|s |s t|s ss|ssss sl ss..sst t||s||s¸. |t||ss
Lth|cs and Cther Sc|ences Dea||ng w|th Man
|s¸|s |s t|s ss|ssss sl ss..sst t||s||s¸. |t||ss
|s t|s ss|ssss sl ss..sst is|s¸.
1a.|s,.aissss |s t|s |ssw|si¸s sl t|s s.|¸|s ssi
|sts.,.stst|ss sl |sws. |t||ss |s t|s |ssw|si¸s sl t|s ssta.s|
s. ms.s| |sw. ssmmss ts s||.
1ruLhs Þresupposed ln LLhlcs:
1he Lx|stence of God:
Cod ls Lhe CreaLor of man
and hls lasL Lnd. Cod ls also
Lhe AuLhor of Lhe naLural and
moral law, Lhe Supreme
!udge of all human acLlons.
1he D|gn|ty of the
numan Þerson:
1ogeLher wlLh Lhe duLles
and rlghLs glven Lo man Lo
fulflll hls desLlny ln Lhe
1he Immorta||ty
of the Sou|:
1he hope for eLernal llfe
and eLernal rewards
susLalns ln hls sLruggle
agalnsL evll.
PlsLorlcal lnLroducLlon:
Þhllosophlcal dlscusslons on moral problems began
ln ALhens durlng Lhe perlod of 5octotes, lloto ooJ
´know thy 5e/f.´
A man of moral
lnLegrlLy and lnLegrlLy and
courage, who spenL
hls llfe Leachlng Lhe
beauLy and
necesslLy of vlrLue.
lor hlm, happlness
ls found nelLher ln ls found nelLher ln
maLerlal Lhlngs nor
ln Lhe pleasures of
Lhls llfe, buL ln
maklng Lhe soul llke
WroLe Lhe flrsL LreaLlse
on LLhlcs, Lhe
Nlcbomocbeoo ítblcs,
dedlcaLed Lo hls son
nlchomacheon. 1he nlchomacheon. 1he
íoJemloo ítblcs ls a
compllaLlon of Lhe
lecLures of ArlsLoLle by a
dlsclple called
Ludemeus of 8hodes.
· LLhlcs as a branch of phllosophy,
lnvesLlgaLe LruLhs by means of:
1. Puman reason
2. Puman Lxperlences - personal experlence, 2. Puman Lxperlences - personal experlence,
and Lhe experlence of oLhers
(conLemporary & hlsLorlcal).
· MC8ALS are lnLrapersonal ln naLure.
Cne ls acLlng wlLh moral vlrLue, or
characLer, when he or she sLrlves Lo characLer, when he or she sLrlves Lo
ºdo Lhe rlghL Lhlng."
· LLhlcs ls a sclence of ldeals.
A study of ~HOW WE OUGHT
TO LIVE¨ (- Socrates) & Why.
· Morals ls Lhe appllcaLlon of eLhlcs.
Is human conduct in the light
of Ethics.
1. ls able Lo dlsLlngulsh beLween good and evll,
rlghL and wrong, moral and lmmoral.
2. leels wlLhln hlmself an obllgaLlon Lo do whaL ls
Man (taken generically) characteristically,
as a rational being (with intellect & will):
2. leels wlLhln hlmself an obllgaLlon Lo do whaL ls
good and Lo avold whaL ls evll.
3. leels LhaL he ls accounLable for hls acLlons,
expecLlng ºreward" or punlshmenLs for Lhem.
· "Not everyth|ng that |s |ega| |s eth|ca| or
· "k|ght |s r|ght no matter how few be||eve
|t, and wrong |s wrong no matter how
many pract|ce |t."
· "No court, no |eg|s|at|ve body, no person · "No court, no |eg|s|at|ve body, no person
can sanct|on what God has condemned."
· "Not everyth|ng that |s 'eth|ca|' |s mora|"
Correct state |aws
Correct eth|ca| pr|nc|p|es &
Good mora| conduct are essent|a|.
· ºA person may be eLhlcal buL noL moral."
· ºA person may have acLed uneLhlcally buL we
may noL conclude LhaL he/she ls Lruly may noL conclude LhaL he/she ls Lruly
ls LLhlcs an lndlspensable
ls Lhe sLudy of LLhlcs lmporLanL?
· 1o know whaL ls rlghL & wrong.
· 1o undersLand why.
· 1o be afflrmed.
· 1o be correcLed, clarlfled. · 1o be correcLed, clarlfled.
· 1o deepen one's knowledge & convlcLlon.
· 1o be formed.
For moraI integrity and uprightness.
It serves as the foundat|on of every
human soc|ety
· 1here are many klnds of eLhlcal sysLems.
· CP8lS1lAn L1PlCS - when eLhlcs ls
LreaLed from Lhe polnL of vlew of
ChrlsLlan falLh.
· MC8AL 1PLCLCC? - Lhe Lerm used ln
CaLhollc LhoughL as a sLudy of morallLy.
· Sources: · Sources:
1. ulvlne 8evelaLlon ln Lhe CaLhollc 1radlLlon
2. Puman reason
3. Lxperlence
· Moral 1heology - a sysLemaLlc aLLempL Lo
undersLand ulvlne 8evelaLlon ln reference Lo
Lhe ChrlsLlan person's lovlng response ln falLh
Lo Cod's salvlflc lnvlLaLlon. Lo Cod's salvlflc lnvlLaLlon.
· 1he MA1L8lAL C8!LC1 Cl MC8AL 1PLCLCC?:
· 1he lC8MAL C8!LC1 Cl MC8AL 1PLCLCC?:
Human acts
· 1he lC8MAL C8!LC1 Cl MC8AL 1PLCLCC?:
Morality of human acts in
Relation to our supernatural
Speclflc Coals of Moral 1heology:
1. 1o undersLand, appreclaLe, & accepL Lhe
moral norms and prlnclples glven Lo us by
Lhe Church. Lhe Church.
2. 1o asslmllaLe ln our llfe Lhese moral
3. 1o follow ChrlsL.
Moral 1heology:
· lMMLulA1L Coal: Lo develop moral
adulLhood - ChrlsLlan maLurlLy
· Þ8CxlMA1L Coal: Lo puL on Lhe new self, say no · Þ8CxlMA1L Coal: Lo puL on Lhe new self, say no
Lo sln and yes Lo love, lL ls conLlnulng
converslon, lnLegral llberaLlon, Lo be holy-
nCW, Lhe presenL momenL.
· uL1lMA1L Coal: unlon wlLh Cod ln heaven ln Lhe
company of all Lhe salnLs.
· ulvlslons of LLhlcs, Moral 1heology:
1. lundamenLal or Ceneral = presenL LruLhs
abouL human acLs, and from Lhese LruLhs
deduces Lhe general prlnclples of deduces Lhe general prlnclples of
· 1reaLs baslc componenLs of Lhe moral
2. SÞLClAL - ls applled eLhlcs/moral Lheology. lL
applles prlnclples of general eLhlcs ln dlfferenL
areas of human acLlvlLy (lndlvldual and soclal).
· SLudles moral behavlor ln a speclflc llfe. · SLudles moral behavlor ln a speclflc llfe.
· Speclal moral lssues, cases, problems.
· lnvCLun1A8? acLlons
· AcLlons whlch merely happen ln Lhe body
or Lhrough Lhe body wlLhouL Lhe awareness
of Lhe mlnd or Lhe conLrol of Lhe wlll.
· nuLrlLlve processes of Lhe body, clrculaLlon, · nuLrlLlve processes of Lhe body, clrculaLlon,
resplraLlon, growLh, chemlcal reacLlon.
· 1hey comprlse all sponLaneous, blologlcal,
& sensual processes wlLhouL Lhe use of
1. ls able Lo dlsLlngulsh beLween good and evll,
rlghL and wrong, moral and lmmoral.
2. leels wlLhln hlmself an obllgaLlon Lo do whaL ls
Man (taken generically) characteristically,
as a rational being (with intellect & will):
2. leels wlLhln hlmself an obllgaLlon Lo do whaL ls
good and Lo avold whaL ls evll.
3. leels LhaL he ls accounLable for hls acLlons,
expecLlng ºreward" or punlshmenLs for Lhem.
Puman AcLs can be:
· LLhlcal
· Cood, moral
· uneLhlcal
· 8ad, lmmoral, evll · 8ad, lmmoral, evll
· lndlfferenL, amoral
· LLhlcal - correcL, accepLable
· uneLhlcal - lncorrecL, unaccepLable
· Moral - speclflc sense: good
MC8AL - one who correcLly [udges
beLween rlghL & wrong, and consequenLly
acL on whaL ls vlrLuous.
beLween rlghL & wrong, and consequenLly
acL on whaL ls vlrLuous.
general sense: deals wlLh Lhe quesLlon of
good or bad.
· lmmoral - wrong, bad, evll, slnful
· lMMC8AL - one who does noL acL ln · lMMC8AL - one who does noL acL ln
conformlLy wlLh Lhe prlnclples of rlghL and
· lMÞu1A8LL - 1o lmpuLe - Lo charge/accuse
a person wlLh faulL, an offense or a crlme.
· CuLÞA8LL - gullLy, blameworLhy, (LaLln)
ºmea culpa" - my faulL.
· ACCCun1A8LL - answerable or responslble
· LlA8LL - legally responslble.
numan Acts - volunLary, dellberaLe, lnLenLlonal
acLs. [knowledge, freedom,
· klnuS Cl LLlCl1Lu PuMAn AC1S · klnuS Cl LLlCl1Lu PuMAn AC1S
1. Wlsh
2. lnLenLlon
3. ConsenL
4. Cholce / LlecLlon / SelecLlon
3. use
6. lrulLlon / SaLlsfacLlon
LllclLed acLs - a slmple WlLL-AC1
· WlSP - Lhe flrsL Lendency of Lhe wlll Lowards
a Lhlng, wheLher Lhls Lhlng be reallzable or
noL. lL ls Lhe slmple love of a Lhlng. (ueslre)
· ln1Ln1lCn - Lhe purposlve Lendency of Lhe
wlll Lowards a Lhlng regarded as reallzable,
wheLher Lhe Lhlng ls acLually done or noL.
(AcLlve ueslre, wlll Lo obLaln lL).
· CCnSLn1 - Lhe accepLance by Lhe wlll of Lhe
means necessary Lo carry ouL Lhe lnLenLlon.
(A deflnlLe declslon).
· LLLC1lCn - Lhe selecLlon by Lhe wlll of Lhe preclse
means Lo be employed ln carrylng ouL Lhe
lnLenLlon. lnLenLlon.
· uSL - Lhe employmenL by Lhe wlll of powers Lo
carry ouL lLs lnLenLlon by Lhe means elecLed.
· l8ul1lCn - Lhe en[oymenL of Lhe Lhlng wllled &
done, Lhe wlll's acL of saLlsfacLlon ln lnLenLlon
fulfllled. (1he acLual aLLalnmenL & en[oymenL of
Lhe deslred good).
CCMMAnuLu AC1S - under orders from
Lhe wlll
1. ln1L8nAL - acLs done by lnLernal menLal
powers under command of Lhe wlll.
[LfforL Lo remember, consclous reasonlng,
efforL Lo conLrol anger, dellberaLe use of
Lhe lmaglnaLlon ln vlsuallzlng a scene} Lhe lmaglnaLlon ln vlsuallzlng a scene}
2. Lx1L8nAL - acLs effecLed by bodlly
powers under Lhe command of Lhe wlll.
[uellberaLe walklng, eaLlng, wrlLlng,
3. MlxLu - acLs LhaL lnvolve Lhe employmenL of
bodlly & menLal powers. [SLudy whlch lnvolves
Lhe use of lnLellecL and Lhe use of eyes ln
readlng.} readlng.}

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