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Tyler Breshears
English 11
Mr. Price
Per: 3
Playing On the Road
Traveling music artists all share one thing: a love for their art. Taking their art on
the road is a physical example of their dedication and unrelenting love of music.
Whether they are a small-town country artist, or a widely known band like Coldplay, they
all share a significant and fervent love of music.
Local artists are oftentimes the heart and soul of entertainment in small cities and
counties. Many locals come out to see, support and follow their local favorites. Even
from a young age, artists reach out into the world of music and experience what it has to
offer them. Ron Breshears, former member of Right Hand Man, decided that directly
following high school, he would travel to Japan and tour their for three months. I was
never really planning on it, but when the opportunity presented itself, I heard the music
calling my name and I knew I had to go (Ron Breshears, 2014).
Other artists, when their fifteen minutes comes around, they get lucky and hit it
big. Mynor Macal, local professional guitarist and teacher, left high school to pursue his
dream of playing in front of thousands. He had the immense honor of playing alongside
Carlos Santana for a time and fulfilled his dream of stardom. There really isnt any
other feeling quite like it. Its indescribable (Macal, 2014).
Music is the calling for many people though few actually achieve the glowing,
fan-filled lives that superstars like John Mayer live. I see it this way, says Macal during
an interview. Music is internal and as long as your need and desire for making music is
fulfilled, then youll be alright. If I can impact one person with my music in my whole life,
Ill be happy and complete (Macal, 2014).
During his travels, Ron Breshears spoke about his love of bringing new sound
to distant countries. Japan was a country with its own sprouting genre when we hit the
scene, and Im so glad that we got to be a part of developing international musical ties.
Music was created to be shared.

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