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The Grapes of Wrath starts out at on old diner out in the desert filled with truck

drivers stopping by before finishing their runs. A man walking on the side of the
road by the name of Tommy Joad sees the trucks parked into the dinner and
happens to notice on the passenger side of the truck theres a sign that reads No
Passengers. This sign intrigues the man to sit and wait until the driver comes out
from the dinner and persuades the man into giving him a ride. As the two men
travel along the highway the driver begins to question Joad as to where he came
from. Joad knew what the driver was fishing for with his questions, so before Joad
steps out of the truck he tells the truck driver that hes been in prison for killing a
man. Joad heads down the road to home, on the side he passes by a man under a
shade tree which turns out to be their old preacher Casy. As they sit and talk Casy
admits to Joad that he aint no preacher anymore so after a while the sun starts to
go down and the two men decide to start heading to the Joad homestead. As the
two men approach the Joads home the house had been shifted off the base, the
barn was abandon and the tool shack had been emptied as if they had been ran off
the property. Just then Miley an old neighbor friend came and told the men how
everything has changed the bank came and ran everyone off the property. Miley
proceeds to them Tom that his folks were at his Uncle Johns house and planning to
leave tomorrow for California. The two men head for Uncle Johns house. As the men
approach the house Grandma came running out then followed grandpa shortly after
came Pa and Noah the first born came walking behind to greet Tommy Joad. Ma was
in the kitchen cooking when Tommy walked in to greet her. Uncle John went into
town with Ruthie and Winfield Tommies younger siblings to sell a load of stuff to
have money for their trip to California. Rosasharn Toms sister married Connie Rivers
and is about five months pregnant. Ale Tommies younger brother a truck driver and
came in delighted to see his brother Tom. As the Joads packed the Hudson SuperSix sedan with as little belongings as possible they head to California to the promise
land in hopes of a brighter future. Will they make it? Or will they die off and never
make it to California?
John Ernst Steinbeck Jr. was a great American writer born on February 27, 1902, in
Salinas, California. Most of Johns Steinbecks novels were set in California. Steinbeck
achieved his first success with his novel Tortilla Flats written in 1935 that won the
California Commonwealth Club's Gold Medal. Steinbeck began to write a series of
novels that included The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men and In Dubious Battle
each of these novels were set in California among people during the Great
Depression and considered to be Dust Bowl fiction. John Steinbecks The Grapes
of Wrath is commonly considered one of his greatest works. It was the best-selling
book of 1939 according to The New York Times. In February 1940 it won the National
Book Award by the members of the American Booksellers Association and later won
the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction it also became a film directed by John Ford. I enjoyed
this book and if you like old western novels I think you will like this as well.

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