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Final Reflection

Throughout this first semester of college level English, I would like to believe that I
learned a lot about my writing as well as what to improve. Starting with the largest lesson, I
learned the difference between sound content and fluff. Until it was pointed out to me, I had to
idea that I was writing fluffy statements or repetitive paragraphs, I believed that what I was
writing was important to the goal of the paper, but now I can tell the difference. This aspect is the
reason I had to re-write an entire paper (paper two) and greatly revise another (paper three)
Another large lesson that I learned, mostly from papers two and three, was the importance of not
using statements like We concluded in the last paragraph or Lets take a look at this because
it is you doing the research and it is you revealing it, not the reader. The last of the three very
large lessons was the importance of proofreading and checking your grammar. I thought just
reading the paper once through would be enough to notice all possible grammatical errors. I
know now that its best to re-read the paper multiple times on multiple occasions. In the end, I
learned much more about whom I am as a writer from taking this course as opposed to any
English class that I have had in the past. I learned that I am better at writing a story (paper one)
then I am at writing a research paper (papers two and three) though now, even though they are
not my favorite papers to write, I know how to write one without half of it being composed of
fluffy statements, incorrect uses of we and lets and large quantities of grammatical errors.

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