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Magen (est Live been to the MFA ence Lofere, but T was Stuck day when D ned On aNn_eNs doit I’ve never seen in & section. The Coplored oo de thorough Lr evttered “Ye con oval a ene m Nt oppos fe side LT dd laSt “tWU_T was a past the “Red Scare QUbIt, ~there ws an jateeai oti to Aha new edhibit Brign Matter What I loved about le artist sald was tus pute “bnisistrokes are alli prea ext dataflow me to city, express m Yong ise (Mbue, ea rk wii nerdy tom My Heart #\eul* THe af t+ whee work was apie In That ae seemed tv ration Se and Created Mur ve and Hungs that had Pmorng Eltch piece r artwork nhs ukea " with her ra te ard an even Some ssc “1 unto it. ter Hee really ote phrase “hit is Life” ad

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