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Full Support & Battle Crusader/Paladin Guide

There are tw o definitive types of Crusaders, Full Support and Battle. You can create you ow n Hybrid type...






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Posted 10 May 2014 - 12:26 PM


There are two definitive types of Crusaders, Full Support and Battle. You can create you own Hybrid type but Full Support and Battle are the

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There are two definitive types of Crusaders, Full Support and Battle. You can create you own Hybrid type but Full Support and Battle are the
two ends of the spectrum.

I highly recommend purchasing a Dual Skill Build license in the Cera shop so you can use both, as Full Support has
problems soloing but can make his allies (the rest of us in Auxilium) literal unstoppable killing machines.
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01. The Two Builds

02. Stat Priorities
03. Equipment
04. Full Support Build
05. Battle Build
06. Buff Order
07. QP Passives
08. EX Abilities

01. The Two Builds

Full Support: This type of Crusader focuses on his numerous buffs and heals to keep his allies at tip top shape and increase nearly all of their stats, making them more
effective in every way possible. It's a semi-passive playstyle, as your own damage will suffer as you'll drop leveling your offensive skills and forgo offensive stats (Strength
and Intelligence) for defensive ones (Vitality and Spirit).

Battle: This type of Crusader focuses on mostly light element with some neutral magic damage. This build also takes advantage of some buffs to boost his and his
allies' damage while leaving the defensive buffs behind. Battle Crusaders have a lot of zoning skills and crowd control. Due to his own buffs you can go without upgrades
for a while without a sharp decline in damage.

02. Stat Priorities

Full Support:


: Vitality is one of the two most important stats to a Full Support Crusader. Vitality will increase all of his HP healing as well as scaling of his buffs

(listed in skills section). Vitality also increases physical defense.

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: Spirit is the other most important stat to a Full Support Crusader. Spirit will increase all of his MP healing as well as scaling of his buffs (also listed in

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skills section). Spirit also increases magical defense.



: Intelligence is the main focus of a Battle Crusader. Intelligence will increase the damage of his skills.

: Spirit is the second best stat for Battle Crusader. Spirit will increase the boost of some of his buffs that he himself will use to increase his damage.

Spirit also increases magical defense.


03. Equipment
Full Support:

(Weapon) Cross

: Crosses are the weapons of choice for Full Support as they provide Vitality and Spirit increases and can have skill boost options

pertaining to the Crusader.

(Armor) Plate

: Crusaders wear Plate because of their Mastery.


(Weapon) Rosary

: Rosaries are a good choice for a Battle Crusader as they provide a high boost to Intelligence and magic attack. You should switch to a

cross to buff yourself then when attacking use a Rosary.

(Armor) Plate

: Crusaders wear Plate because of their Mastery.


04. Full Support Build

We will only be focusing on skills you will want. If it's not listed here then you should ignore it.
- General Skills -

Quick Rebound
Literally everyone takes this for the invincibility when getting up.

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- Common Skills -

Slow Heal
This heals HP for a pretty large amount over time. The EX will increase the target's Vitality and Spirit as well.

Increases an ally's Strength, Physical Attack, and Hit Rate. All of these are wanted for any physical damaging class and hit rate is used for everyone (except Full Support
Crusaders). The Strength and Physical Attack bonuses scale with your Vitality.

Removes status effects on you and all allies around you. There's little reason not to get this, low SP cost for a very powerful effect. This is an all or nothing skill, as the level
of ailments it can cure rises. Since this is a Full Support build, it's a must max.

Wisdom Blessing
Increases an ally's Intelligence and Magic Attack. These are wanted by all magic damaging classes (including Battle Crusaders). The bonuses scale with your Spirit.

- Crusader Skills -

Grace of Protection
Passively increases your Vitality and Spirit. There is no reason not to get this.

Revenge of Light
Increases an ally's Magic Defense. If an ally attacks with or is struck by a Magic attack, there's a (relatively high) chance a bolt of lightning will strike their target or their
attacker. This is a pretty great skill, it's a passive damage for the most part. The EX will also open up the counter to trigger on being hit by Physical attacks as well. Be
warned though that some bosses to not react kindly to this ability, they can and will counter your counter.
Max or 10/EX

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Heaven's Melody
Increases an ally's max HP and MP. The added HP and MP will keep percentage with what you had before, so if you had 50/100HP it would keep to 100/200HP (just as a
rough example). I find this ability really helpful with resources but you could potentially keep SP from it to level other things to suit your own playstyle. It's not an absolute
must max but it is recommended. The HP increase scales with your Vitality and the MP increase scales with your Spirit.

Spear of Victory
Creates a spear that will pierce enemies and hold them to a location. You should hold the hotkey to charge it to it's full form instead of just throwing it immediately. This
skill has useful utility for getting enemies away from you and keeping them in one spot for your partner/party. The EX passive increases its hold time, if you were wanting to
keep SP for more active utility you could take this route.
1 or 10/EX

Sign of Protection
Increases an ally's Physical Defense, Magic Defense, Vitality, and Spirit. Also (if used on an ally) redirects a portion of their damage taken to the Priest. This is an absolute
must max and is one of your main buffs. The Physical Defense scales with your Vitality and the Magic Defense scales with your spirit.

Spiritual Sacrifice
Passively increases the Priest's Strength, Intelligence, Hit Rate, and Casting Speed. Reduces the Priest's Vitality and Spirit. If the Priest should die, he will heal his allies'
HP (scales with Vitality) and MP (scales with Spirit). You should NEVER max this. The Vitality and Spirit loss is much too great to do so. I like to take a single rank in it just
so I can have the healing effect IF I should die.
1 and only ever 1

Fast Heal
Immediately heals an ally's HP. Healing scales with Vitality. Has limited uses.

Light of Divinity
Shields an ally, preventing a flat amount of Physical damage and preventing Hit Stun. The biggest attraction to this skill is the Hit Stun prevention while it's up, the Physical
damage shield helps too. The shield has health and if enough Physical damage is done to it it'll break. Remember that it does NOT block Magic attacks.

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Divine Invocation
Cube skill. Increases the Strength (scaling with Vitality) and Intelligence (scaling with Spirit) of all allies in range. One of the absolute core abilities of Crusaders, the
damage boost is great. Absolute must max.

Deflection Wall
Creates a wall in front of the Crusader that slowly moves forward, blocking enemy projectiles and pushing them back. The wall does neutral damage when it's created. A
utility skill like Spear of Victory, it's worth a point in it. If you rank it to 5 you can get the EX version, Pressure Wall. Pressure Wall does have slight utility as it traps enemies
in one spot for a short while before it explodes, however I don't recommend getting it as it's a bit of an SP waste as the point of a Full Support build is to support
partners/party members, not to do damage.

Heaven's Harmony
Cube skill. Passive that enables Heaven's Melody to become an AoE buff like Divine Invocation, affecting all allies in range. Also increases the duration of Heaven's
Melody and the HP/MP boost it gives. This is a pretty neat skill, if you really want to try a wacky hybrid support playstyle you could take points out of this skill but always at
least get 1 rank in it. This is a Full Support build though so max it.

Fountain of Life
Cube skill. Places a buff on an ally that slowly heals them over time (increases their HP regeneration, scaling with Vitality) and provides an aura that affects all nearby
allies, increasing Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and Hit Recovery. Also, if the buffed target dies, the buff will be consumed to automatically revive them with some HP
(scaling with Vitality). This skill fucking rules, plain and simple. It's a party wide buff thanks to the aura and a heal and an auto-life in a single skill. PLEASE do not get hit
out of casting this skill as it HAS LIMITED USES and a long cooldown, long enough to only have it up on two people at a time for a short window before the first one

Healing Wind
Cube skill. Heals all allies HP & MP that are in range and produces a shield around all allies that are within range, if allies leave the skill's range the shield will break. An
amazing skill, providing a huge heal to HP and MP for allies. You are stationary for the duration of this skill which can be detrimental, but you can use C to cancel out of it.
You could just cancel it immediately after the healing portion to provide a quick AoE heal. Has limited uses.
- Paladin Skills -

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Aura of Conviction
Awakening passive. Creates an aura that increases the allies' and the Paladin's Strength, Intelligence, Vitality, and Spirit. The aura range is kind of small so you'll mostly
use it to passively buff yourself. Max this for the much wanted Vitality and Spirit. Keep in mind that the bonuses are based on your health percentage, the lower your health
goes the less bonuses you get.

Awakening active. Summon a sphere of light that buffs allies that are in range, increasing Strength & Physical Defense (scaling with Vitality), Intelligence & Magic Defense
(scaling with Spirit), and Attack and Movement Speeds. After a while the sphere will turn into darkness, dealing damage to enemies in range. There's some things you
have to consider about this skill, 1. Allies have to stay underneath the sphere to get the buff, which can be impossible or more trouble than it's worth, and 2. the buff
disappears after the sphere changes. The bonuses are pretty hefty though, so it can be worthwhile if you use it properly. If you don't think you'll be using it much, keep it at
one just for the sake of having an additional array of buffs to put down.
1 or MAX

04. Battle Build

We will only be focusing on skills you will want. If it's not listed here then you should ignore it. Something to note, Crusaders are mixed damage, meaning skill rank and
weapon refinement are both major means of damage increasing.
- General Skills -

Quick Rebound
Literally everyone takes this for the invincibility when getting up.

Ancient Memory
Provides a short term, reusable buff to Intelligence. A straight damage increase.

Magic Critical Hit

Passively increases magic critical hit chance. A straight damage increase.

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Magic Rear Attack

Passively increases magic critical hit chance when attack from behind. Not usually recommended but it CAN be used as Crusader's abilities have a tendency to get
behind enemies (Flash Sphere, Hammer, Righteous Judgement).
0 or MAX

- Common Skills -

Increases an ally's Strength, Physical Attack, and Hit Rate. This buff isn't really useful for Battle Crusaders except for the Hit Rate increase, if you want to level this for that
then I can't stop you but there are other means of getting Hit Rate. I'd not recommend leveling it.

Removes status effects on you an all allies around you. You could get this skill as there is a tad bit of SP to throw around for Battle Crusaders, this could save you from an
unexpected death while soloing and give you some support for your party. It's an all or nothing skill as the level of ailments it can cure increases as it ranks up so choose
if you want it or not.
0 or MAX

Wisdom Blessing
Increases an ally's Intelligence and Magic Attack (scaling with Spirit). These are wanted by all magic damaging classes, including you, a Battle Crusader. This is all a
straight boost to damage.

- Crusader Skills -

Grace of Courage
Passively increases Strength and Intelligence. Pure damage boost.

Blades of Purity
Damages enemies in a short range in front of the Crusader twice. This is a fast, low cooldown, spammable skill. The damage is medium but it's the spammability that
makes this skill worth maxing. That spammability also makes MP usage high, so watch for that.

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Revenge of Light
Increases an ally's Magic Defense. If an ally attacks with or is struck by a Magic attack, there's a (relatively high) chance a bolt of lightning will strike their target or their
attacker. This is a pretty great skill, it's a passive damage boost for the most part. The EX will also open up the counter to trigger on being hit by Physical attacks as well.
Be warned though that some bosses to not react kindly to this ability, they can and will counter your counter. I'd recommend maxing this as the Battle Crusader's skills hit
a lot and can proc the buff often.

Grace of Protection
Passively increases your Vitality and Spirit. You need 1 rank to unlock Divine Invocation. You COULD level it to increase you Spirit to increase the bonus from Wisdom
Blessing, but why would you waste SP like that.
1 and only 1

Spear of Victory
Creates a spear that will pierce enemies and hold them to a location. You should hold the hotkey to charge it to it's full form instead of just throwing it immediately. This
skill has some pretty decent damage and range. A good part of this skill is its ability to drag enemies and position them in a place where you can use your other skills
more effectively. The EX passive increases the damage and hold time.

Sign of Protection
Increases an ally's Physical Defense, Magic Defense, Vitality, and Spirit. Also (if used on an ally) redirects a portion of their damage taken to the Priest. You're only taking 1
rank to unlock Divine Intervention. Like Grace of Protection, you COULD level it for the Spirit for Wisdom Blessing, but that's a waste.
1 and only 1

Crashing Cross
Fires a quick moving cross forward. If the cross hits something the Crusader will quickly buff himself and nearby allies with increased skill strength. The cross does some
pretty hefty damage and the buff from it is a direct damage boost. It may take some getting used to to aim the cross as it will only hit one enemy then disappear. You CAN
hit multiple enemies if they're grouped tightly together.

Divine Invocation

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Cube skill. Increases the Strength (scaling with Vitality) and Intelligence (scaling with Spirit) of all allies in range, including you. One of the absolute core abilities of
Crusaders, the damage boost is great. Absolute must max.

Deflection Wall
Creates a wall in front of the Crusader that slowly moves forward, blocking enemy projectiles and pushing them back. The wall does neutral damage when it's created.
Deals some pretty good damage at high ranks, but you may not use it for that. The wall can be used as a positioning tool as it matches the traveling speed of Flash
Sphere, keeping enemies inside it. You'll mostly want only 5 ranks in it for Pressure Wall. It's a good idea when you get rank 5 in Deflection Wall and Flash Sphere for their
EX counterparts to choose which one you want to max. You shouldn't max out both Deflection Wall and Flash Sphere.
5 for Pressure Wall or MAX

Flash Sphere
Cube skill. Creates a slow moving orb that deals damage as it moves. The orb explodes when it reaches the end of its path, dealing a burst of damage and stunning
enemies facing it in range. Fixed damage skill, so you'll need to rank it up to see noticeable damage. Get it to rank 5 for Flash Shrapnel. It's not a terrible skill to max either.
It's a good idea when you get rank 5 in Deflection Wall and Flash Sphere for their EX counterparts to choose which one you want to max. You shouldn't max out both
Deflection Wall and Flash Sphere.
5 for Flash Shrapnel or MAX

Fountain of Life
Cube skill. Places a buff on an ally that slowly heals them over time (increases their HP regeneration, scaling with Vitality) and provides an aura that affects all nearby
allies, increasing Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and Hit Recovery. Also, if the buffed target dies, the buff will be consumed to automatically revive them with some HP
(scaling with Vitality). I'd recommend taking only 1 rank in this skill to put the speed buffs and auto-life on yourself when soloing. If you're confident go ahead and skip it.
0 or 1

Hammer of Repentance
Cube skill. Swings down a giant hammer, dealing damage to enemies in a large area with a small chance to make them temporarily fight for you afterwards.One of your
main damage skills. Max it.

Righteous Judgment
Cube skill. Creates an area in front of the Crusader where he summons spears to attack all enemies in it. The final hit is a huge explosion that deals high damage. Very
high damaging skill. You are semi-vulnerable as you need to stand still while you use it but you have super armor. You can trigger the final hit early by pressing C to
cancel. Keep hitting the hotkey to speed up the attack.

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- Paladin Skills -

Aura of Conviction
Awakening passive. Creates an aura that increases the allies' and the Paladin's Strength, Intelligence, Vitality, and Spirit. The aura range is kind of small so you'll mostly
use it to passively buff yourself. Max this for the much wanted Intelligence. Keep in mind that the bonuses are based on your health percentage, the lower your health goes
the less bonuses you get.

Awakening active. Summon a sphere of light that buffs allies that are in range, increasing Strength & Physical Defense (scaling with Vitality), Intelligence & Magic Defense
(scaling with Spirit), and Attack and Movement Speeds. After a while the sphere will turn into darkness, dealing damage to enemies in range. There's some things you
have to consider about this skill, 1. You and allies have to stay underneath the sphere to get the buff, which can be impossible or more trouble than it's worth, 2. the buff
disappears after the sphere changes, and 3. enemies have to stay under the sphere to be hit. The bonuses are pretty hefty so it can be worthwhile if you use it properly.
The damage on the dark sphere is pretty high. If you don't think you'll be using it much, keep it at one just for the sake of having an additional array of buffs to put down and
additional damage.
1 or MAX

06. Buff Order

The order in which you buff yourself should be optimized for the highest output, this would be:

Full Support: Slow Heal (EX) on SELF -> Sign of Protection on SELF -> Fountain of Life -> Divine Invocation IF ALL ALLIES ARE IN RANGE -> Heaven's Harmony IF
ALLIES ARE IN RANGE -> (rest of buffs on all allies, Strike/Wisdom Blessing/Sign of Protection/Revenge of Light)

) on self ->

on self ->




Battle: Sign of Protection on SELF -> Fountain of Life on SELF -> Divine Invocation IF ALL ALLIES ARE IN RANGE -> Strike/Wisdom Blessing/Revenge of Light on SELF > buff others as you see fit
on self ->

on self ->


on self ->


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07. QP Passives
Full Support:


: Vitality is one of the two most important stats to a Full Support Crusader. Vitality will increase all of his HP healing as well as scaling of his buffs (listed

in skills section). Vitality also increases physical defense.


: Spirit is the other most important stat to a Full Support Crusader. Spirit will increase all of his MP healing as well as scaling of his buffs (also listed in skills

section). Spirit also increases magical defense.

HP Replenish

: Optional: Increases passive HP regeneration, this can top you off for your Aura.

MP Replenish

: Optional/Recommended: Increases passive MP regeneration, reducing downtime from buffing.

Movement Speed

: Optional: Makes you move faster for getting out of trouble.

Battle :


: Intelligence is the main focus of a Battle Crusader. Intelligence will increase the damage of his skills.

: Spirit is the second best stat for Battle Crusader. Spirit will increase the boost of some of his buffs that he himself will use to increase his damage. Spirit

also increases magical defense.

Hit Rate

: educes Miss/Stuck chance. Nearly everyone needs this.

Elemental Attack

: Most of Crusader's skills are light. This increases damage.

Magic Critical Hit

: Increases critical hit chance of magic. Damage increase.


08. EX Abilities
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Pressure Wall
Cube skill. Creates two walls that deal damage when summoned. They slowly move towards each other and explode when they collide. Very high damage and utility,
enemies will be trapped between the walls when they come up. Must max for Battle.

Flash Shrapnel
Cube skill. Fires a slow moving orb like Flash Sphere. Deals high damage as it move and explodes when it reaches the end of its path, stunning enemies that are looking
at it and releasing smaller orbs that float down and explode for more damage. Insanely high damage, must max for Battle. Stack both Flashes together for lots of

Slow Heal Upgrade

Increases the healing of Slow Heal and gives it a Vitality and Spirit buff. Must max for Full Support.

Cure Upgrade
Provides a buff that increases status resistance on all allies. Full Support should max it.

Spear of Victory Upgrade

Increases damage and holding time. Worth a max

Revenge of Light Upgrade

Increases damage, chance to trigger, and enables triggering on physical attack. Get 1 rank in it for the physical trigger on Battle, you have TP to spare to max it with Full

Hammer of Repentance Upgrade

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Increases damage and repentance time. Worth maxing for the damage increase.

Flash Sphere Upgrade

Increases damage, speed, and reduces the amount of time you're stuck after casting. If you maxed Flash Sphere it's worth maxing this too.
0 or MAX

Blades of Purity Upgrade

Increases damage and speed, making it more spammable.
0 or MAX

Righteous Judgment
Increases damage and speed. Probably the best choice to max for Battle.

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Posted 14 May 2014 - 11:12 PM


Very good guide. It was enjoyable to read and I feel like the content was well directed. I'd be interested seeing your thoughts as to what specific equipment you
recommend. The OV sets get very interesting following the set revamp and I feel that it's worth centering a build around.
As for weapons, isn't crux fidelis the quintessential weapon for battle saders, or is there a rosary with a better effect?


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