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Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst

German Academic Exchange Service

Homepage / Information for Foreigners / Finding Scholarships / Scholarship Database


Country-related cooperation programme with Peru (ALEPRONA)


University graduates from Peru receive grants to complete a Master's or doctoral degree in
Germany (cooperation with the Peruvian Ministry of Education or the National Scholarship
Program and Educational Credit PRONABEC)
Who can apply?
University graduates from Peru studying subjects that are of particular relevance to Peru's
economic and technologic development
What is supported?
Graduates complete a
a) Master's degree, or
b) a doctoral degree at a German university
Duration of funding
a) up to 2 years for a Master's degree
b) up to 4 years for a doctoral degree
Co-funded by PRONABEC and DAAD
Language proficiency test German (DAAD)
2 to 6-month intensive language course in Germany without accommodation and living
expenses (DAAD)
Travel allowance for outward and return journey (DAAD)
Basic monthly scholarship payment of 850 euros during the intensive language course
and Master's or doctoral degree (PRONABEC)
Monthly top-up payment of 150 euros for doctoral scholars after the language course
Medical, accident and personal liability insurance during the language course and studies
in Germany, and if applicable also for accompanying spouse and children (DAAD)

One-off start-up allowance of 460 euros (PRONABEC)

Annual study and research allowance of 460 euros from the second year (DAAD)
Allowance for spouse and children according to the DAAD guidelines (DAAD)
Printing costs subsidy for the thesis (DAAD)
Payment of tuition fees, if applicable, of up to 15,000 euros (PRONABEC)
Supervision of Master scholars at universities (PRONABEC)
Scholarship holders are selected by an academic selection committee whose members are
nominated in equal numbers by PRONABEC and DAAD.
More detailed information
Programa Nacional de Becas y Crdito Educativo/MINEDU
San Borja
Lima / Per []
Representante del Servicio Alemn de Intercambio Acadmico (DAAD)
Pontificia Universidad Catlica del Per (PUCP)
Departamento Acadmico de Humanidades
Av. Universitaria 1801, San Miguel
Lima 32 Per
Tel.: 0051-1-6262000, an. 4504

Application requirements

Application Procedure

Contact and Consulting

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