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Goal of stroke
rehabilitation is to restore
as much as
independence as
We want to improve your:
-Physical, mental and
emotional abilities
-Work on skills you may
need help on such as:
eating, dressing and

National Stroke

Stroke Statistics
Percentages of
Reoccurring Stroke
Within 30 days: 3-10%

Community Resource
Corona After Stroke

Within 1 year: 15-14%

Within 5 years: 25-40%
By: Janelle Bogran
APU Nursing Student

Healthy Tips

Strenghtening Exercises

1. Rather than frying, switch to

baking, broiling, steaming, or
2. Replace coffee with
orange juice
3. Choose new vegetables
instead of eating the same
veggies. Buy a new one each
time you make a trip to
grocery store
4. Maintain high blood
pressure under control, avoid
high salt foods and potato
chips, pretzels, cheese, dried
5. Buy pre-washed, pre-cut
fruits like apple slices, baby
carrots celery sticks ,and
mixed vegetables

Shoulder Muscles:
1. Keeping elbow straight, lift your left
arm and point your hand to the
ceiling for 3-5 seconds
2. Slowly raise down. Repeat 10 times

Elbow Muscles:
1. Put a rolled towel under left elbow.
2. Bend your left below, keeping your
hand up toward your shoulder.
3. Hold for 3-5 sec. Repeat 10 times.

6. Ask family members and

friends to make healthy meals
that you can store in the
refrigerator to avoid cooking
some days.

Hip Control for Walking:

1. Lying flat, bend your left leg and
cross it over your right leg.
2. Lift your left leg and uncross it.
3. Repeat both movements for 10

Hip and Knee Control:

1. Begin with knees bent, slide the left
leg down and keep it straight on
the bed.
2. Slide your left leg back up to bend
it once again. Repeat 10 times.

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