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AMES University of Utah Scholarship

Office of Undergraduate Studies

University of Utah
195 South Central Campus Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
February 17, 2015
To the Members of the Scholarship Selection Committee:
It is my pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Ritini Mahuru who is applying for
the AMES University of Utah Scholarship. While one of the quietest students that we have at
AMES, she has many talents that she would be able to brag about, if she wanted to.
Beyond anything else, Ritini is an exceptional graphic designer and a hard worker. Her desire to
become a graphic designer led to her Internship with a graphic design business. She put in
over 80 hours 20 more than required and helped the two owners with projects for their
clients. She was able to take the clients ideas and put them into a format that satisfied both
their business and their esthetic needs. Because she is a hard worker, she would go the extra
mile to make sure that the project was not only done well, but on time.
She is active in her community and family. She performs with a Polynesian dance group,
babysits for family members and helps her family in any way that she can. She is excited to be
the first person in her family to graduate from high school and especially excited to go on to
college. Her younger siblings see her as a role model who is leading the way.
Ritini is committed to her success, current and future, and being a recipient of this scholarship
would be a needed boost to help her along the way. I can heartily recommend her for this
scholarship and know that she would contribute in a positive way to the University community.

Martha Smith Taylor

Martha Smith Taylor
Community Connected Learning/Internship Coordinator

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