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Faye Waanders

March 7, 2014
Dice Lesson
Students will be able to add digits up to twenty using dice while filling
out a worksheet game.

CCSS.Math.Content.2.OA.B.2 Fluently add and subtract within 20 using
mental strategies.2 By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of
two one-digit numbers
1.The teacher will call 5 students to the kidney table after the mini
2. On a white board the teacher will review adding up to 20.
3. The teacher will call upon the students during review. 2+6=? 8
6 (review) (anticipated responses)
4.Teacher hands out dice and worksheets.
5.Teacher models how the game works. (Input/modeling)
6.Teacher will check answers during game. (Checking for
understanding) (Input)
Guided Practice:

7. Teacher will assist any student who may need it.

8. If a student is struggling the teacher will go over individually with
the student a review of adding and get a number chart for assistance.
9. For advanced students who finish before the others they can add up
the entire worksheet.
10. Teacher will ask what we reviewed today? Adding Adding with
dice (anticipated responses)
11. If no response teacher will go over methods of adding and adding
with dice.
12. Students will be assessed while filling out the worksheet.
13. Also when answering group questions.
Individual Measurement:
14. Each worksheet will be checked.
15. The students will be tested on adding within the next few days.
16. Mini lesson before the game is discussed on the Smart Board.
17. Using dice to add. (Learning styles)
18. Students will understand adding with dice.

19. Struggling students will get assistance from the teacher and a
number line to help.
20. Advanced students will add up the sums of each rolled dice
21. Smart Board will be used prior in the mini lesson.

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