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Rowan Talbot-Guerette

Professor Boyd-Colvin
HDF 190
11 April 2015
Learning Contract Annotation
On April 10 and 11, 2015, I participated in D.R.I.V.E.s Multicultural Day and Overnight
Programs. Through this, I assisted D.R.I.V.E. in greeting accepted students and helping them
become accustomed to URI. During the day, I participated in a group scavenger hunt with
members of D.R.I.V.E. and the prospective students, which gave the accepted students a more
intimate feel for campus than a typical campus tour does. Over the ninety minutes, the group
quickly bonded, learning each others names, and backgrounds. I became especially close with
girl named Jessica from New York, and I answered her questions about academics, campus
logistics, and Greek life. I also discussed Leadership Institute with her, and persuaded her to
apply. Through this conversation, I used my strengths Individualization and Relator, as I quickly
learned about what she was interested in and why she was considered URI.
Later, we had dinner and then worked in randomly assigned groups to put on a lip sync
performance which incorporated dance and a random movementours was linking arms.
Through this experience, I helped lead the group by swiftly coordinating choreography and
positions in the twenty minutes we had. After the performances from all of the groups, overnight
hosts received their pairings. I clicked with my pair instantly, as she had fiery red hair and let off
energetic vibes. When we returned to my room, we talked about music, URI, and other things
for hours. Again, I used my strengths Individualization and Relator to connect with her.

Throughout my 24 hours with D.R.I.V.E. and prospective accepted students, I interacted

with these high school seniors in a positive, upbeat manner that strongly reflects my values and
strengths. I hope that I relayed a sense of kind persuasion to them in hopes that they will attend
URI in the fall. Each person I spoke with has great potential to succeed at URI, and will impact
the community in big ways.

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