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Requirements for an Environmental Professional-in-Training

Brigette Noren, an environmental health officer with Alberta

Health Services in Calgary, draws on more than 15 years of
experience in conservation, public health, and environmental
health. Brigette Noren of Calgary is currently working toward her
certification as an environmental professional-in-training.
Sponsored by Eco Canada, the Environmental Professional (EP)
and Environmental Professional-in-training (EPt) certifications fall
under the jurisdiction of the Canadian Environmental Certification
and Approvals Board (CECAB). This national organization
oversees the candidate verification process as well as the
certification process itself, so as to ensure that certified
individuals are qualified and dedicated to both excellence and
ethics in their field. Before receiving certification, candidates must
meet certain prerequisites.
The Environmental Professional-in-training credential is open to
candidates with any level of experience, though each candidate
must have a college diploma or three- to four-year university
degree. Degrees must come from recognized Canadian

institutions, though those with credentials from abroad may

receive approval for their education via a credential equivalence
assessment. EPt applicants must also select a specialty and
submit three peer references, which the board may check based
on random selection.

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