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January 26, 2014

Dear Parents/Guardians,
My name is Miss Kerri Horvath and I will be doing my student
teaching in your childs fifth grade classroom this semester. Student
teaching is the final step I must take before receiving my Bachelors
Degree in Elementary Education and Integrated Sciences and
Mathematics from Rider University this May. I will be in the classroom
working with Mr. Passafaro from the end of January to the beginning of
Before this semester, I have taken several courses that have
provided me with the knowledge and experience to become the best
teacher possible. In these placements, I have worked with second,
fourth and fifth grade students. I have conducted my own lessons and
practiced assessments such as a running record, word study, and
writing assessments. My field placements were all wonderful
experiences and I am looking forward to utilizing the skills I have
acquired to once again improve my craft as an educator.
I am very excited to begin my student teaching experience at
Pond Road Middle School! I am looking forward to getting to know you
and your child as well as the day-to-day activities in Pond Road Middle
School! Thank you for this opportunity.

Miss Horvath

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