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Senior Project

Photo Journal Documentation

Date: 4-22-15

Describe the work you completed on your project during this work time.
I taught the first part of the dance to the Northwood Just For Kix Senior Kix
Dance Team. I had to prepare the music and choreography to be taught and bring it
with me to dance class. I set up the music and began to teach.

What challenges/barriers/problems did you encounter as you were working?

The major challenge for me was trying to explain to them what my vision for
things was. It was also hard to actually do some of the moves because they
didnt work out as I had planned.

How did you overcome any problems during this work time?
I made changes to the choreography as I went along when needed.

How much time did you spend on your project during this work time?
2 hours

How much total time have you spent working on your project (including this
work time)?
21 hours

Include at least one photo to document your progress to this point.

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