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Course Title: American Literature 2

Grade Level : 12th

In this particular assignment, I was asked to write three short paragraphs about The
Great Gatsby while explaining the significance of the green light at the end of Daisys

In order to complete this academic piece, I had to read the novel The Great Gatsby and
summarize the novel in my own words. I also had to complete all the vocabulary
exercises. The vocabulary exercises included defining all the vocabulary words and also
using each word in a complete sentence. After I completed all of the Exercises, there was
a multiple choice and short answer test I had to take.

Overall, I am proud of my summary towards the novel The Great Gatsby because it
really shows what I believe the meaning behind the novel is. The novels theme is all
about the true American Dream.

I believe this academic piece shows my skills as a writer. I will need good writing skills
in my life because I will need to write and email my co-workers.

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