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Nonverbal communication (NVC) is usually understood as the process of

communication through sending and receiving wordless messages. i.e., language is not
the only source of communication, there are other means also. NVC can be
communicated through gestures and touch (Haptic communication), by body language or
posture, by facial expression and eye contact. NVC can be communicated through object
communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture, symbols and
infographics. Speech contains nonverbal elements known as paralanguage, including
voice quality, emotion and speaking style, as well as prosodic features such as rhythm,
intonation and stress. Dance is also regarded as a nonverbal communication. Likewise,
written texts have nonverbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial arrangement of
words, or the use of emoticons.
However, much of the study of nonverbal communication has focused on face-to-face
interaction, where it can be classified into three principal areas: environmental conditions
where communication takes place, the physical characteristics of the communicators, and
behaviors of communicators during interaction
Importance of using Nonverbal Communication
What is the importance of nonverbal communication? Have you ever been in a
situation where you stall while trying to express a message or thought in any form of
communication to a person or party, then found yourself with a poor response?
Nonverbal messages can provide a crisper communication making your message be
exploited with intensity.
Now imagine a world where all we where able to sense was hearing. Well without
eyesight, you sure enough wouldnt be able to build form of trust. We will lose most
of the message transmitted between people; resulting to an incredible amount of
confusion amongst peers, making conversation more difficult to interpret.

Also its not always what you say, but how you say it, which as a result proves to be
a success when transferring a message from one to the other, by making gestures,
which plays a big role in nonverbal communication. Without any movement or
posture in communication it would be a dull conversation and would minimize all
interest to what youre saying. Also, not all people may hear for either x reason, and
some people just simply find it more comfortable to read a message rather than to
listen. Thus is important to have the presence of nonverbal communication in
expressing a thought.

Types of Nonverbal Communication

What are the types of nonverbal communication? There are 5 types of nonverbal
communication; the 5 types of nonverbal communication are the following:
Written Communication

Eye contact: Eye contact is one of the forms to nonverbal communication. Eye
contact is most effective in the goal to gain someones trust, since it is a form of
letting someone know that your are focused on them, thus gives a person a sign to
either respond to a message or not.

Gestures: Gestures are important in nonverbal communication since it allows you to

interest the person by showing the bigger picture to what you are saying. For
instance, when your friends are present you tend use your hands and face when you
are speaking and describing a thought, for example you may say I went fishing last
Sunday and I caught a big fish! To explain the size you may show the size of the fish
you caught with your hands.

Another example may be when you are describing an incident where you where
upset such as, My little brother destroyed my project, so then I was really mad! to
describe how mad you where you may show it with a face expression by frowning.
These are just some of the examples of the use of gestures.
Movement: Movement is the key to obtain a less dull conversation that will
eventually attract people to have more interest to your speech, since the person
becomes more curious about what you have to say. The movement are not
successful are movements you make when you are shaking of nervousness but is the
movement that is used to obtain the audience attention. Movement naturally catches
a persons eyes, like for instance when you are focused watching a settled object and
all of a sudden in the corner of your eye you see something move, your attention will
rapidly turn to focus all attention to that object that moved.

Posture: Having good posture is very important not only because it is helps you
breathe better, and calms your nerves, but it shows confidence trust and power in

Written Communication: Written communication is the communication with a

person whom you wish to communicate with in a written format such as a business
memo or business letter. Written communication is very important since there will be
times where you will need to exploit a message but time is crucial, the business cant
sacrifice the time to gather together for a meeting, even though your message is

Since you need to express your message in some way, using written communication
will indeed be your solution. In written communication you have the opportunity to
explain the issue and solve problems by either explaining a new policy, an
introduction of a new product, or simply to persuade to take upon a new action, such
as to attend a meeting, and follow a new work procedure.

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